Deficit Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (standing on 45# plate)
Weighted pull up 1-1-1-1-1-1
WOD Notes: Compare pull up to 120320.
Community Notes: Thanks to everyone who showed up for class yesterday! It was our busiest day EVER at ICA!! It was also the second Monday in a row that we hit our class cap at the 4:30 class time. Therefore, starting next Monday we are changing the schedule! We will run classes at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00pm – on MONDAY NIGHTS ONLY. Please continue to be diligent about signing up for class, and if you are flexible to attend multiple class times, opt for the less filled classes. Thanks ICA!!
This Post Has 3 Comments
Mario 285, 70
Jenn 210 (-5″), 35
Jason 355, 46.5
Matt F. 365, 26
Matt C. 400, 70
Chloe 180, PU
Nikki 235, 53
Craig 435, 90
Ron 275, 20#
Jerry 245, PU
Kehl 335(-5″), —
Brandy 165, MM
T 285, 15
Brendan 275, 70
Garrett 365, ?
Jana 130, MF
John W 455 (-5″), 142.5
Jackie 175, 20
Sabol 425, 70
Nick 285, 53
Dan F. 365, 25
Phil 415, 70
Scott 350, kipping practice
Bryan 325, 53
Justin 345, 25
Laurie 205, 20
Mar 170, MM
Taylor 155×3, MM+MF
Big numbers today. Hats off to Jenn, Jason and Matt F. who all PR’d their normal deadlift from a deficit!
The OG
Barb 175, 5
Scott 305, 73
Good job tonight Barb. You were more than just present.
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