Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
Sled drag 400m (20% of your SDC, see below)
WOD Notes: This is what you get for joining a box owned by a physics teacher and an engineer. Each of you now has a sled drag constant (SDC), which is equal to your bodyweight + your current 1RM deadlift. The weight you add to the sled will be a percentage of this number.
- Nikki 125 + 250 = 375 SDC. For today’s WOD, 20% of 375 = 75# sled
- John 215 + 455 = 570 SDC. For today’s WOD, 20% of 670 = 135# sled
This Post Has 12 Comments
I’m going to the Bill Nye CrossFit.
You guys have put WAY too much thought into this!
Back squat – 290
I forgot my calculator and abacus so no sled drag.
I support physics based programming at ICA. If possible, can we use more mathematical symbols?
Also, sweet picture of the early morning, foggy sled drag!
Morning Results:
Jenn 153, 75
Mickey 235, 125
Mario 175, 100
Matt C. 285, 125
Jess 113, 60/70
John C. 205, 85
Lindsey 155, 75
Barb 125, 75
Emma 95, 60
Chloe 125, 70
Natalie 105, 90
Jackie 105, 70
Jimbo 205, 105
Spence 195, 110
Ahhhh, just joshin’ you guys! You can’t deny science and math…there is no wrong.
Just 95 for me on the back squat…105 next time! Mark – I thought the Bill Nye comment was funny! btw there is a Physics teacher named Mr. Nye where I work…
Everything I say is funny. Except when I’m being romantic or giving motivational advice.
That is an awesome picture! Hopefully, the afternoon ladies wont have any creepers roll down the street with a bad case of elevator eyes…… 🙂
Results from this afternoon:
Phil 285, 135
John W 300, 135
Craig 235, 135
Brendan 155, 90
Joel 105 (16″), 90
Mark F 155, 90
Nikki 185, 75
Laurie 135, 75
Rieder 115 (form), 90
Blake 265, 110
Dan L 95×10 good mornings, 80
I was just looking at this picture again. It’s main page worthy.
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