Daily WOD – Aug 30, 2022

Dana moving through her squats.

Workout of the Day

Complete with a partner.

Partner 1:

  • Rows 250/200m

 While partner 2 completes:

  • 30 KB swings


Partner 1:

  • Rows 250/200m, while

Partner 2 completes:

  • 30 one-arm KB push press (15R/15L)


Repeat this pattern for:

  • 30 goblet squats
  • 30 one-arm KB snatch (15R/15L)
  • 30 front rack reverse lunges (15R/15L)
  • 30 one-arm KB thrusters

WOD Notes: Today is a partner WOD where both partners are working at the same time – one rowing, the other KB-ing! Ideally there will be some intervals when you’re done first (and can enjoy a little break), and some intervals when your partner is done first. If the same partner is always finishing their work first, you should modify the rowing distance or KB reps/weight to make it more even!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Emily Seraphin!


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