Daily WOD – Aug 3, 2023

Tara crushing her push press!

Workout of the Day

Complete each round for time, starting a new round every 4 minutes:

Rds 1 & 4:

  • 200m run
  • 30 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls (53/35#)

Rds 2 & 5:

  • 200m run
  • 30 kettlebell hang snatch (15R/15L, 53/35#)

Rds 3 & 6:

  • 200m run
  • 30 goblet squats (53/35#) 

WOD Notes: Each round should be a sprint! Try to finish by 2:30 each round to give yourself 90 seconds of rest. Hard stop at 3 minutes per round.


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