Daily WOD – Aug 17, 2023

Violet crushing hanging knee raises!

Workout of the Day

Banded deadlift 10×3

Then complete NFT:

  • Banded partner sprints (8/person)

WOD Notes: Today’s focus is on fast, explosive deadlifts. The weight on your bar should be ~50% of your 1RM. The band you select will vary based on your strength and height. General guidance: Red band for 1RM deadlift <150 lb; Black band for 1RM deadlift 150-250 lb; Purple band for 1RM deadlift 250-350 lb; Green band for 1RM deadlift, 350+. Shorter athletes want to go up a band color; taller athletes may want to go down a band color.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Coach Zhu & Tracy M!


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