Daily WOD – Aug 12, 2015

Jon Heller dropping in for some KBS!
Jon Heller dropping in for some KBS!


EMOM for 30 minutes:

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 air squats

WOD Notes: This is a CrossFit benchmark WOD, and it’s the first time ever we’re doing it at ICA! It’s a lot like Cindy, with a twist. At the start of each minute you’ll complete 1 round of the above movements. You have the remainder of the minute to rest. At the start of the next minute, complete another round. If (when) you get a point where you can’t complete the round within the given minute, the workout switches to an AMRAP. Your score will have two parts: the number of minutes you kept up with the EMOM, and the number of rounds you completed in the remaining time.

Muscle Up Notes:  EQ came across this awesome muscle up progression!  I would love to see a few ICAers if give it a try for a month.  There are two videos: one for those who can do pull ups and ring dips but don’t yet have a muscle up and one for those who have a muscle up but want to be more efficient.  Check them out HERE.


This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Boelker

    Wait, I just did the math on this if done as an EMOM all the way through.

    I’m scared.

    1. Jimbo

      Yeah pretty scary numbers huh?

    2. Boelker

      Oh, who am I kidding? I CAN’T WAIT!

      “If (when) you get a point where you can’t complete the round within the given minute…”

      Challenge accepted.

  2. Robbie

    So this equates to doing the non-running portion of Murph in 20 min?? Sounds reasonable.

    1. Boelker

      150% of Murph’s non running portion in 30! minutes.


    2. Boelker

      150 pullups
      300 pushups
      450 squats

      BONUS ALERT!!!!!!

      NO WEIGHTED VEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. But I like running, running's my favorite.

      Murph x 1.5 – 2 runs = 30 minutes.


  3. MB

    Hey everyone! Sorry for the short notice, but a few of us are grabbing dinner tomorrow @7 before I leave for college. Anyone is welcome to come! ( Liki in phoenixville)

    1. Boelker

      Erin and I Are in!

    2. Jimbo

      Me too!!

  4. ICA admin

    Patrick M. 6, 🙂 Rx
    Julie M. 18, 25 (5-5-15, MM+P, MF)
    Sofia 14 (5-5-15, RR, MF+32″, SD)
    Candace 18 total (RR, MF+24″, 5-5-15)
    Eric P. 🙂 (G, SD)
    Julie T> 1, 14+9 (RR)
    Erik P. 2, 16 (RR)
    Joe W> 4, 16 Rx
    Adam Smith 3, 12 (P, MF, SD)

    Matt S. 7, 15 Rx
    Mike C. 10, 21+15 (DCpush)
    Quinn 4, 18 (MF, 3-10-15)
    Jess V. 4, 16 Rx
    Chloe 30 (RR, MF, 3-5-15)
    Moira 3, 20+5 (RR, 24″, 5-5-15)
    Sarah L. 30 (RR, MM, 3-8-15)
    Fenn 14, 20 (RR, Knees, 5-5-15)
    MB 🙂 (RR, MF)
    Sara P. 30 (RR, mF+24″, 3-6-9)
    Matt C. 15, 21 Rx strict
    Rod 13 Rx, 20 total dcpull
    Mitch G. 4, 14 (MM, 3-7-15)
    Gibby 4, 12 (MM, 3-10-15)
    Alyssa 15, 27 (RR, MF, 3-5-15)

    Bryan 6, 17 (5-10-8 situps)
    Peggy 10, 21 (3-7-15, MF)
    Angie 13, 26+10 (RR, P. 5-5-15)
    Meghan 15, 23 (RR, 20″, 3-6-9)
    Jack 11, 21 (RR, MF, 5-5-15)
    Rick 6, 15ish Rx
    Tom S. 7, 17 Rx
    Austin 30 Rx strict
    Sabol 16, 24 Rx

    Amanda 2, 16+15 RR, MF+16″)
    Rachael 🙂 (RR, 20″)
    Jeannette 5, 18+8 (RR, mF)
    Dave 15, 27 Rx to EMOM, then sit ups for pull ups
    Allen 5, 14 Rx to EMOM, then MF, sit ups
    Allison 9, 18 (3-5-15, MF, eventually RR)

    Hats off to Ceil and Meghan today for making this their first class at ICA! Additionally hats off to Austin for knocking out 30 rounds Rx today including 150 strict pull ups. Just ridiculous!

  5. Boelker


    Duris 15, 30 (Rx to 15 then to 3-6-15)
    Steve 3, 17 Rx
    Jeff 17, 20 (mm)
    Kenny 5, 23 (RR, 5-10-15 to 5-5-10)
    Tim 7, 26 (3-7-12 for EMOM then to 3-5-10)
    Sarah W. 16, 24 (P, 12″ box)
    Danielle 19, 25 (3-7-15)
    Alexa 28, 29 (RR, 16″ box, 3-5-15)


    Erin 4, 16 (jumping pullups)
    Chase 5, 17 Rx
    Joe S. 12, 28 (3-5-10, squat depth)
    Dawn 2, 20 (P, 16″ box, 3-5-10)
    Ceil 8, 22 (RR, 16″ box, 5-5-15)
    Allen P. 24, 27 (RR, squat depth)
    Daria 8, 19 (RR, 24″ box)
    Andrew 22, 27 (RR, 5-7-10, squat depth)
    Jimbo 7, 23 Rx
    Robbie 7, 27 Rx

    1. Jimbo

      Dave, I appreciate the enthusiasm but I only completed 18 rounds RX.

    2. Robbie

      What Jimbo said. 27 would have been nice, but I did 20.

  6. Boelker's Assistant

    Coach Boelker made the mistake of initially collecting and writing down the scores as such: “EMOM, AMRAP.” While he was supposed to be collecting scores–as shown above–“EMOM, Total.”

    Jimbo: 7,18
    Robbie: 7, 20

    Suggestion from the assistant…next time (because there will definitely be a next time), let’s record this as “EMOM + AMRAP = Total.”


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