Daily WOD – Apr 27, 2012

Ever feel like this post WOD?
Or this?
Or this?

Dirty thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


Complete 50 thrusters (105/70#, NTE 60% of your 1RM). Every time you put the bar down, complete a 5 burpee buy-in before picking it back up.

WOD Notes:  Thrusters are “dirty” meaning they must be cleaned off the floor to start the attempt. You may power clean and start your thruster from the top, or squat clean and start the thruster from the bottom. Either way, you must hit a below parallel squat and show control of the bar overhead for the rep to count!


This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    So if/when we put the bar down – we then have to add another 5 thrusters to the WOD?? Yikes!!! In for the breakfast club!

  2. Nikki

    Oops! That’s supposed to say 5 burpees!

    1. Tiana

      YES!!!! I love thrusters!!!!

  3. Mike Sabol

    I am feeling pretty good after Hell-en and Barbell club, so I should be in for 6:15am.

  4. Nikki, Natalie wanted to sign up for the 4:30 class today. Could you start her new membership and sign her up please. Thank you.

    1. Nikki

      no prob chris, we’ll hook her up!

  5. Nikki

    Great job breakfast club! Results from this morning:
    Matt 125, 7:45 (75)
    Lindsey 100, 8:57 (55)
    Emily 60 (rack), 6:22 (35 from rack)
    Mike S 175, 8:01 (Rx)

  6. Lindsey

    Haha love the pics!! Thrusters are no joke!

  7. Kevin

    Loving the aftermath. Bummed I’ll miss this fun, I’ll be doing it next Thursday. Good work, morning crew!

  8. Laurie

    Love the pics! Now THAT’s the aftermath of a really good workout!! You won’t see anyone lying on the floor like this at LA Fitness! That that gym rats!!

  9. Laurie

    Note to self, spell check before sending. I tried to say “Take that gym rats.” On another note, you guys going for wings tonight? Where do you go? Hubbie and I want to crash.

  10. Nikki

    Hey Laurie – I think it will be a small crowd tonight. John is out of the area for the day, and Kev and Killa are out too. But I’m game! Anyone else? Mike S, Nick, Tiana, Cari, Jimbo?

    1. Mike

      I am in for wings later!

    2. Nick

      In for wings!

  11. Lindsey

    A few of my friends and I are having dinner at Pepperchini-if anyone wants to stop by or join us : )

  12. Phil

    damn good work morning crew. i was thinking of coming in today but then i saw thrusters and burpee buyisn and told myself i needed another rest day.

    looks awful and im looking forward to making this up on thursday

    1. Kevin

      Good news on the shoulder, Phil?

  13. Mike V.

    225, 6:49. Shoulders fried.

  14. Nikki

    Results from 4:30 and 5:30
    Sarg 115, 8:16 (70#)
    Tiana 140, 8:30 (70#)
    Chris R 155, 9:39 (80#)
    Nick 125 (rack), 8:27 (75#)
    Tanner 225, 4:24 (105#)
    Craig 185, 6:13 (105#)
    Frank 150, 9:06 (80#)
    Natalie 85, 13:57 (50#)
    Jerry D 65, 6:39 (35#, 35 thrusters, 2 burpees)

  15. barb

    Results from 4/29/12
    Barb 85#, 9:10 (55#) Burbees after each set of 10. I don’t know how you all did it straight through. Beasts on the bar!

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