Make Up Day – Apr 26, 2012

Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed during the last week. Your choices are:

  1. “Hell-en” – 1200m run, 63 KBS (53/35), 36 pull ups, 800m run, 42 KBS, 24 pull ups, 400m run, 21 KBS, 12 pull ups
  2. Baseline (500m row, 40 air squats, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups), then shoulder press 12×2 at 80% of your 1RM
  3. “Nasty Girls” – 3 rounds for time of 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 hang power clean (135/95)
  4. Banded back box squat 12×2 followed by an unbroken 400m sled pull (20-25% of your 1RM deadlift)
  5. 4 intervals, each for time, of: 300m row, 30 abmat sit ups, 3 rope climbs

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Kevin

    The rope climbs took a good toll on my arms yesterday, but I’m going to try Nasty Girls today. I welcome others to join the pain.

    1. Christopher Chamberlain

      Sorry Kev, I already did Nasty Girls. I think I’m gonna try “Hell-en”

    2. Mike Sabol

      I would join you, but I have a date with HELL-en.

    3. Kevin

      You’re both sick. Worst workout ever. I can see why Chris will love it, though. Good luck!

  2. Mike V.

    Made up Hell-en… 26:27. I don’t have a 53# KB, so I used my 70#. That one was frothy…

  3. Mike V.

    Nik – just saw your comment on my Nasty Girls WOD… I didn’t realize it until you mentioned it, but I did slog through 10 that last round. I guess lack of oxygen in the brain got me confused with the 10 HPCs I was doing. Oh well, an extra few MUs never hurt anyone!

  4. Mark

    Mike V…you’re intense!

  5. John

    Interval WOD-
    Joe 2:38, 3:25, 3:30, 4:12 Rx
    Tiana 5:27, 3:42, 4:19, 5:18 (1 RC+8RR x3, 12 RR x1)

    Nasty Girls
    Kev 16:02 Rx

    Baseline/Shoulder Press
    Tanner 4:14, 185
    Craig 4:20
    Emily 5:24, 35
    Scott 7:37, 115
    Laurie 6:53
    Nick 4:39

    Chris C. 26:24 Rx
    Mike S. 31:12

    Mike V, that is a sick Nasty Girls time with the extra MU and I think I want to try heavy Hell-en when my back heals up a little more, sounds like a doozy.

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