Daily WOD – Jul 2, 2014

Linds knocking out a strict pull up 5 months pregnant!
Linds knocking out a strict pull up 5 months pregnant!

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


3x1o heavy KB swings

WOD Notes:  Compare OHS to 131207.


This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Hilary

    Yeah, Linds!!

  2. Moira

    Katie L. – I am doing 6:15 tomorrow morning, so will do a sled drag then and let you know what it was!! Unless you want to go early too, to avoid the heat! Moira

  3. Katie L

    Thanks Moira! I’ll find out what you did at 9:30. It was wicked hot this evening.

  4. Sara R.

    Way to go Lindz that is just awesome! 🙂

  5. Nikki K

    Awesome Linds!

  6. Anna

    nice job Lindz!!

  7. Tina

    Impressive Linds (& baby)!!!

  8. Phil

    Ken 95
    Dan E 215, 88
    Patrick 145, 70
    Jenn 135
    Sarah @ 175 BS
    Moira 62.5, 25
    Julie 60 FS
    Nadine 75 FS PR!, 44
    John 255, 106

    Hilary 145 PR!, 70
    Ron 135 PR! (10#>2014 goal!) 106 (3x)
    Anthony 145 PR!, 88
    Dani 125, 62
    Jocelyn ??
    Katie L 105
    Fenn 70, 44
    Phil 245, 106

    Congrats on all the PRS in the morn! Good luck to the afternoon classes – stay hydrated!

  9. B

    That’s my wifey!

  10. Kehl

    Nice work Lindz!

  11. John

    Sarge 130 PR!, 62
    Pugh 200 PR!, 106 Russian
    Steve K. 180 PR!, 88
    Stuart 135 FS, 70 Russian
    Pete 90, 53
    Anna 90, 53
    Chris 80, 44

    Rob 175 (to parallel), 70
    Sajan 125, 70
    Jeremy 155, 88
    Sabol 200
    Robbie 210 PR!
    Korba 215
    Tirzah 85, 44
    Kathy 80 FS
    Tina 70 PR!, 44
    Sean 135, 62

    Huge lifts today! Keep it up.

  12. Sabol

    John, I got 210 and 106 Russian. Forgot if I marked that down or not.

  13. Jimbo

    195# PR ! 70 KB. Too hot! Much cooler in my basement.

  14. Kehl


    Dave 225 PR!, 88
    Erin 95 PR!, 53
    Fili 215 PR!
    Daria 70 PR!


    Brian 195 PR!, 88
    Jeanette – form, 44

  15. Pugh

    Awesome Lindsey!

  16. ICA admin

    Nik – 180 PR!

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