Daily WOD – Jun 28, 2013

Front Squat 5-3-3-2-1-1


AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

  • 10 front squats (35% 1RM)
  • 7 burpee bar jumps

WOD Notes:  Compare front squat to 121229.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ben

    Love it!

  2. Lindsey

    Sad to miss this WOD 🙁

  3. Rick

    Hi there, totally off topic but are there any cat lovers on here. My shed has become the local cat maternity ward. This is the second or third litter of cats born there. I got one adopted last year but not a lot of love otherwise. They seem to be doing well under my shed for now. We’ve called a few places and most of them either won’t come and get them or will just kill them. I’m one for nature taking it’s course but I thought if someone was really looking for a cat then here’s your chance. You catch em, you keep em.

    1. Lindsey

      Rick- speak with Kim D!! She has rescued a lot of cats/ kittens. We have a friend who owns a grooming/ boarding place who sometimes will take cats/ kittens to try to get them homes!! I will try to help you out as well!

  4. ICA admin

    Hilary 125, 4+5 (45#)
    Jenn 175 PR!, 5+12 (65#)
    Jacki 155PR!, 4+2 (55#)
    Marissa 120PR!, 4+2 (45#)
    Em 75d, 4+2 (35#)
    Sandra 85, 5+5 (30)
    Jon 105, 4+2 (45)
    Russ 215, 4+9 (75)
    Paul 200PR!, 4+5 (65)
    Kyle 215, 4+6 (65)
    Matt C. 245, 4+6 (95)
    Mickey 245PR!, 4 (95)
    Nate 205, 3 (75)

    Dani 155, 5+1 (55)
    Jackie B. 135PR!, 3+7 (45)
    Chloe 145PR!, 5+1 (45)
    Jess 125, 4+13 (45)
    Ginger 100.5 PR!, 3+5 (35)
    Jackie T. 135, 5+5 (55)
    Kerri 100.5 PR!, 4 (35)
    Sara R. 125, 4+15 (45)
    James 335, 3+1 (95)
    Boston 175 PR!, 4+7 (65)
    Tom S. 175 PR!, 4+10 (65)

    Fili 230 PR!, 3+11 (75)
    Rick 205, 4+6 (75)
    Filchner 195PR!, 4+7 (70)

    Pugh 205, 5+3 (75)
    Nick V. 225 PR!, 5 (75)
    John 275, 4+10 (95) vest
    OMC 260, 4+2 (95)
    Natalie 145 PR1, 2+10 (55)
    Stuart 145, 2+3 (65)
    Robbie 155, 5+14 (65)
    Ron 255, 3+10 (85)

    Awesome day today. Hats off to Paul for hitting a 45# PR and good work to everyone on smoking the 5 minute metcon. Keep up the good work.

  5. Killa

    Korba 300 (+25 PR!), 4+13 (75)
    Chase 225 PR?!, 4+3 (75)
    Sidlo 225, 4+13 (73)
    Rey 205, 4+13 (63)
    Peter 120 PR!, 4+7 (45)

    Great job tonight guys, PR party!!

    1. Ben

      Nice job Sidlo, you got it.

      Good job 5 pm group!

  6. T

    Killa 175, 3 (65)
    Nikki W 185, 5 (65)
    Hoagie 185PR!, 3+12 (65)
    Ben 255PR!, 5+3 (85)

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