Daily WOD – Mar 2, 2013
Back squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 Then Run 1 mile for time WOD Notes: Compare back squat to 121207. Compare 1 mile run to 110906. (The sub for the 1 mile run will be a 2K row.) Note: Tomorrow…
Back squat 5-3-3-2-1-1 Then Run 1 mile for time WOD Notes: Compare back squat to 121207. Compare 1 mile run to 110906. (The sub for the 1 mile run will be a 2K row.) Note: Tomorrow…
Mark your calendars for these important dates in March! March 3 - 5th Element of Fitness workshop March 6 - First Open WOD is announced, 8pm. (If you haven't signed up for the Open yet, do…