Happy Valentines Day! Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 5 workouts. This week the choices are:
- Complete for time 1-2-3-4-5 reps of consecutive double under (x10), jumping squats (x10), rope climbs
- Valentines partner wod: 50 KBS (53/35#), 50 situps, 50 walking lunges each leg, 50 box jumps, 50 push ups, 50 wall balls, 50 pull ups, 50 burpees
- Max 1 arm split snatch L/R then handstand walk 50 yards NFT
- Partner interval AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 7 burpees, 7 push press (105/70#)
- Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 3 rounds for time of 10 pistols, 20 KBS (53/35#)
Community Notes: Happy Birthday Nick V. and Papa Sieller!!
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Happy Birthday Nick!!
Happy Birrhday Nick! And papa Sieller!
Anybody doing Friday workout?
ME! Looks like a fun one.
Happy Birthday Mr. Sieller!!
Happy birthday, Nick and Papa Sieller!!!
Anyone want to be my Valentine’s for the partner WOD??❤❤❤❤
Hey Jenn Korba was looking for someone to do the V-Day WOD with around 440ish.
Happy Birthday Papa Sieller and Nick V!!!
If he can push it back to 5, it’s a date!!!;
Jenn- I was between Fridays and Saturdays. So if Korba can’t do it – I’ll partner up with you at 5.
Thanks, Kim!!☺☺
Happy Birthday Nick!!!
…and Papa Seiller!
Geeze, what were all of these parents doing 9months ago?! Celebrating Arbor Day?!
Happy Birthday Nick and Mr. Sieller!
i would like to do the Vday WOD. I am not feeling well right now though so I am not sure if I am going to make it. If I do get there it will be around 430ish
Not making it today. Please don’t wait for me
Happy Birthday, Nick and Papa Sieller!
Happy birthday guys!!
Kev 16:20 (4rds, air squat)
Laurie – not for time (4 rds of rope)
Kim D – 38:25 (full 50’s! some scale)
Moira 22:30 (25’s, some scale)
Peggy 35:00 (50’s, 25#, 16″, 10#)
Jenn (9′ WB) & Kim H (12″, 12″, P+mm) – 33:26 (100’s!)
One arm snatch
Sabol 95L / 105R, handstand walks
Partner burpee PP amrap
Sara R (45)
Tom P (85) – 12+7
Front squat 3rm
Chamberlain 225
Tiana 205
Yeah Kim!! Full 50 by yourself-get it girl!
Good job to all of you gals who did full 50’s!! Get it girls!!
Thanks for the kind words, all. And happy birthday, Mr. Sieller.