Football WOD – Aug 27, 2017

EMOM for 16 minutes, alternating between:

  • 10 thrusters (115/75#) on the even minutes
  • 8 burpees over the barbell on the odd minutes

WOD Notes:  Pick a weight for the thruster that allows you to go unbroken through all 8 rounds.  If you fail to go unbroken (i.e. you drop the bar at 7 instead of 10), you can not pick the bar back up that round. Rest for the remainder of the minute and kill the next round!  Burpees are lateral. not bar facing. Burpees should take less than 30 seconds, for the first few rounds.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nicole S and Tanya!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Phil

    Caine =)
    Christine 45 2 x10 10, 5×7, 1×6
    Chris 85
    Danielle 55 4×10, 4×6
    Jen N
    John C 85
    Kerry D 45 1×10, 7×6
    Megan S 50 1×10, 2×8, 5×5
    Nikki k
    Katie S
    Ryan S 65 1×10, 7×5/ JJ
    Iggy Rx
    Tim 65
    Tobin 45

    Sarah L
    Boelker Rx
    Erin 75 – fitness/rd
    Dave W 75 (10, 10, 8, 8, rest, 6)
    Rob 75 5
    Rocco =)
    Patrick S
    Jen C

    Happy birthday Nicole S!
    Happy birthday Coach Tanya!

  2. Erik

    Happy Birthday Nicole and Tanya.

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