Daily WOD – Aug 28, 2017

Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5


3 minute L-sit hold from pull up bar

WOD Notes: Compare to 140816.

Community Notes:Β  Happy Birthday Sage and Ron!


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sigal

    Happy birthday Ron and Sage. Can’t wait for “the Sage”

  2. Christine G

    Happy birthday to Sage and Ron!

  3. Phil

    Happy birthday Ron!
    Happy birthday Sage! – same, wonder what the “Sage” will look like!

  4. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Sage!
    Happy birthday Ron!

  5. ICA admin

    7pm Results

    Alexa 65
    Elissa 75
    Patrick πŸ™‚
    Tanya 75
    Ray 115
    Adam 130
    Karen 70
    Frank 95
    Rob G 95

  6. ICA admin

    Dan E. 145
    Shaun 135×4.5
    Jenn 75
    Ceil 60
    Danielle 57.5
    Marissa W. 45
    Nikki K. 60
    Brianna 65, 70×2

    Mohyeed 135
    Faith 50×4
    KtL 60
    Pete P. 100
    T 75×4.5
    Janet 75

    Erik 85 (26/35#KB)
    Chad 135
    Tiffany 70
    megan S. 50
    Joel 185×5, 205×4
    Pugh πŸ™‚
    Jen N> 82.5
    Jen C. 70
    Nadine 45
    Shawn G> 75 (26# KB)
    Kerri 60
    KtN 70
    JOhn W. 160

    Duris 130
    Vanessa 50
    Caine 95
    Vicki 95
    Jolene 47.5 x4
    Pat B> 120
    Shawn C. 77.5
    Heather 70
    Drake 110

    Whitney 57.5
    EQ 75
    Daria 50
    Ash 57.5
    Fili 155
    Sabol 140
    Kyle 95
    Tim 85
    Jeff 72.5
    Robbie 130
    Mike D. 115
    Derek E. 130
    Rey 90
    Joe S. ?

    Erin 82.5
    Lombardi 75, 80×3
    Bob B>?
    Boelker 145
    Derek T. πŸ™‚
    Michelle πŸ™‚
    Chase 125
    Dani 75, 80×3
    Andrew 120
    Tobin 70
    Ed 120, 125×4
    Ray Z. πŸ™‚
    Bob K. πŸ™‚
    Iggy 145
    Rocco 115 across
    Pete S. 85

  7. Kehl

    Nik – ,make up night – 95×5

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