Open Gym – Jun 15, 2017

Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm for Open Gym. You can work on anything you’d like, including making up a workout you missed from the past week:

  1. Deadlift 6×3 (80%) then 3×8 Dimmel deads (30%)
  2. “Fran”  21-15-9 thrusters and pull ups
  3. AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 5 power cleans (75%), 7 burpee box jumps (24/20″), 9 toes to bar
  4. Complete for time: 800m run, 21-15-9 squat clean and ring dip, 800m run
  5. Find a 1 rep max of the following complex split jerk left, split jerk right then 200m farmer carry AHAP
  6. Partner Interval AMRAP in 10 0f 5 C2B pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), then row (20/15 cal)

CFE Notes:  Coach Kehl will be switching CrossFit Endurance to summer hour starting next week.  Class will be held at 6:30 am starting Thursday, Jun 22.


This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Hero Thursday


    100 Thrusters (135/95)

    5 burpees at the start of every minute until all 100 thrusters are completed.

    Starting around 5pm

    1. Boelker

      Excuse me, Mr. Thursday. But you’re a jerk.

    2. Fili

      Thanks for getting this out of the way while I was out of town.

    3. Robbie

      Good luck not walking or lifting your arms for the next week.

    4. Jimbo

      I was only half a hero today. 50 thrusters and I was done. Great job to Austin and Vicki for completing the whole thing!!!

  2. Kehl

    CFE @ 4:30…Next week, CFE will be at 6:30am.

    25 Minute Cap
    2 Mile Run
    …then AMRAP with remaining time…
    5R/5L KB or DB Snatches (53/35)
    10 Burpees
    15R/15L Walking Lunges

    1. Running is not my favorite

      I like the time change for the summer.

      Today is to find out if I can run 2 miles in under 25 minutes and do anything after.

      1. Kehl

        Steve, you should still do the workout. You ran on Monday for “fun”!

      2. Kehl

        If that wasn’t Steve, my recommendation is to cut the distance down to where you can get back inside by around 18 min (1.5mi?)

  3. Moira

    Mark, can we negotiate a longer cap??!!

    1. Kehl

      We’ll keep the class at 25min…but it is Open Gym too…so if I set the time for 30min and you decide to keep working past the 25min mark…consider that Open Gym time 🙂

  4. Kehl

    Catherine 2+46 (20#kb)
    Drake 2+32 (35#kb)
    Luke 2+15 (95 hpc)
    Moira 1+29 (10# DB, chargers, 30min cap)
    Curtis 1+7 (35#db)
    Rey 2+25 (3,200m row, 25db, 15x25db Squats)

  5. Tav

    I ran 4 miles…quick!

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