Daily WOD – Sep 4, 2012

Fall Nutrition Challenge Performance Test

  • Max distance broad jump
  • Max box jumps in 3 minutes
  • Max push ups in 2 minutes
  • 800m sprint

Cash out: 50 toes to bar (not for time)

Reminder: The Fall Nutrition Challenge kick off meeting is tonight at 7:30pm. Come ready to ask questions and/or share your advice with others! To review the challenge details, click HERE.

Other Notes: John and Nikki will be available to take body measurements (weight, waist, hip, subscap and illiac crest) before and after class, as well as before and after the 7:30pm meeting. If you can’t make it to the gym on Tuesday, you can take the performance test and have body measurements taken at make up night (on Thursday).


This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Mark


    Now, mental image…Rocky IV…
    I’m standing in front of the mirror and I take Joe’s picture from the mirror and I crinkle it up.

    Don’t ask where I got a picture of Joe,just understand that he killed my trainer.

    1. Joe

      I am speechless.

  2. Emily

    Even though I’m a little intimated – I’m thrilled to say – in for 6:15!
    Back 🙂

  3. Kevin

    I can’t say I’m mentally prepped quite like Mark is for this, but I am happy that you’re doing a “test” for the month long paleo challenge. I bought new running shoes today and dragged the dog out for my first run of the month long endeavor (she was not tired after 20 minutes, much to my dismay). Excited to start.

    1. Mark

      Welcome back.

    2. Kevin

      Thanks, duder. Looking forward to seeing some friendly faces.

  4. Nikki

    Remember we can’t have everyone come to the 6:30 today… 11 spots are already filled! If you live nearby try to come to your usual 4:30 or 5:30 and swing on back for the 7:30 meeting. Thanks 🙂

  5. Stacey

    Hi Guys, what does the “Cash Out” thing mean?

    1. John

      Hey Stacey,
      Cash Outs are usually a mini workout or assistance work after a workout is done. It is usually optional.

  6. MJ

    Hey guys! If anyone is struggling for recipes ideas or have a party then want to attend and need a go to paleo treat to bring, shoot me an email or a message on the blog. I’d be more than happy to offer any assistance. mhaines5@gmail.com

    Im hoping to have abs like Joe after this challenge…

    Kevin!! Welcome back:)
    Emily great to see your back!

    1. Sarg

      we can’t all be like Joe!

      i’d be down for a potluck!!

    2. Joe

      that’s funny. no one has ever used Joe and abs in the same sentence, and I’m certain it still is not warranted. I can tell you this, for the past 5 months I have really been focused on my diet and it has made a significant difference in both performance and appearance. Good luck to those of you in the challenge over the next month.

  7. MJ

    oooohhh Potlucks ROCK!!! Yes, we could do a chili cook off! Its going to be fall soon…this could be AWESOME! Sorry, I got a little carried away.

    Can we start a fan club?

  8. John

    Results from yesterday:
    Name, Broad/box/pushups/800m run

    Emily 50/ 35@12″/40 (bench)/5:05
    Lindsey 74/55/35/3:30
    Jenn 76/63/34/3:30
    Cindy 47/58@12″/40 (knees)/3:33
    Matt 74/49/55/4:20
    Blake 86/55/53/3:53
    Todd 94/57/57/3:22
    Mickey 91/56/46/4:14

    Killa 92/64/25/3:39
    Kev 107/105/45/3:33
    T 81/46/30/5:12
    Matt 83/62/46/3:11
    Jess 75/56/35/3:50
    Nikki 87/70@24″/49/3:15
    Mike V 99/91/55/3:04

    Sarge 58.5/48/52 (situps)/ 4:53
    Jimbo 88/50/46/3:16
    John 105/122/19 (pull)/3:10
    Craig 100/92/52/2:46
    Natalie 54/33@16″/27 knees ROM/6:08
    Mark K 110.5/100/58/2:37
    Nick 78.5/79/41/3:11
    Tom 88/69@20″/81/3:28
    Mario 101.5/102/82/3:01
    Kim 71/55/30/3:02

    Korba 95/80/35/2:58
    Laurie 73/53/27/3:38
    Sabol 97/72/68/3:10
    Sarah H 71/60@16″/31 knees/4:00
    Melissa 63/64@16″/36 knees/3:35
    MJ 77/61/23/3:40
    Kim D 67/44/23 knees/4:19
    AJ 84/82/53/3:04
    Tommy 90/72/62/3:21
    Jackie 78/49/24/4:52
    Chloe 74/58/37 knees/3:48
    Scott 95/45/30/5:47
    Dan 94/80/41/3:00
    Tom F 76/44@20″/27/7:15
    Jami 40/54@16″/40 knees/6:13
    Chris 103/107/51/2:55

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