Daily WOD – Nov 26, 2016
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Our apologies if anyone saw another WOD post before this one. We’ve been having some glitches with WordPress! This is the actual WOD for tomorrow. Look for pull-ups, box jumps, and OHS coming soon!
Did a drop in up in Rochester NY this morning
“Double Macaroni”
Partners WOD divide by 2
2,500 meter row
20 rounds of
11 TTB
20 Air Squats
16 KB swings 55lbs
Results: switched the order. New order is burpees/RT (1 touch=1rep)/slam balls
Heather and Murray 105/373/123
Casey and Filchner 103/348/104
Barry and Nicole 75/326/fitness
Erin and Dave 122/518/149
Austin and Pat B. Fitness^3
Caine and Jenn 142/455/169
Danielle and Faith 11/420/123
Frank and Steve M. 108/431/108
Mark G and Mike C. 110/451/126
Patrick M and Ray Z 106/370/117
Team Curran 101/486/115
Andrew and Steve P. 102/fitness/138
Brooks and Christine 108/400/128
Rocco and John C. fitness/376/93
Nik and Caine 145/560/165
Emma and Chris M. 70/329/117