Daily WOD – May 30, 2023

Byron powering through HSPUs!

Workout of the Day

Complete for time:

  • 1500/1200m row (or 2x bike)
  • 50 ab tuck-ups
  • 1000/800m row (or 2x bike)
  • 35 ab tuck-ups
  • 500/400m row (or 2x bike)
  • 20 ab tuck-ups

Time cap: 20 minutes

WOD Notes: For those who did Murph, treat today as a recovery workout. Find a steady pace and just keep moving. If you’re feeling fresh and ready to attack the WOD, aim for 30 seconds slower than your PR 500m row pace for the first set, 20 seconds off your PR 500m on the second set and 10 seconds off on your final set.


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