Daily WOD – May 30, 2012

Thanks for the shirt 🙂

Un-banded box back squat 12×2


200 m walking lunge for time

WOD Notes:  The box squats should be around 60 to 70 percent of your 1 rep max and should be done for speed.


This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In for the breakfast club!

  2. Emily Croce

    Me too! Finally back 🙂

    1. Sarge

      em- glad you’re back!!

  3. Killa

    I was just thinking I haven’t seen Emily in a while, glad you’re back!!

  4. Lindsey

    Me too! 🙂

  5. John

    Results from today:
    Lindsey 85/95, 7:19
    Cari 85/95, 7:11
    Matt 155, 8:06
    Emily 35/45, 8:19 (depth)
    Cindy 35/45, 7:45
    Killa 165, 7:22
    Kev 215, 6:38
    Tanner 225, 7:38
    Craig 225, 8:30
    Natalie 105, 11:11
    Tiana 135, 13:00
    John 205
    Nikki 125, 5:09
    Laurie 85, 9:56
    Sarg 95, 10:27
    Colin 145, 9:20
    Chris C 185, 7:50
    Nick 115, 6:46
    Mike H 95, 8:58
    Jerry 115, 12;47
    Brandy 75, 8:50
    Chase 165, 8:15
    Roydan 145, 7:18
    Mark n/a, 6:40

    Great job today!

  6. Lindsey

    Love the shirt 🙂

  7. Cragle

    Results from the grassroots OG:
    Barb: 95/7:03
    Cragle: 205

  8. Killa

    John’s face once he finally read the shirt= PRICELESS!

  9. Phil

    hahah. this pic is all kinds of awesome!

    crazy time on the lunge walk too Nik

  10. Nikki

    PS – Great job to Colin on his first official class! I hope your legs aren’t too sore to join us again today! 🙂

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