Make Up Day – May 31, 2012

Welcome Colin!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last week’s WODs.  This week the choices are:

  1. Push Press 5-3-3-2-1-1 then 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of push press (50% 1RM) and situps
  2. 30 wallball, 20 burpees, 10 toes to bar, 5 rope climbs, 10 toes to bar, 20 burpees, 30 wallballs
  3. “Murph” – run 1 mile, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, run 1 mile (see 5/28 post for more details)
  4. Partners complete 10 rounds (alternating after each full round) of: 15 box jumps (24/20″), 10 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′), 5 power clean and jerk (135/95#, NTE 70% 1RM)
  5. Un-banded box back squat 12×2, then 200 m walking lunge for time
Community Note: Happy Birthday Coach Mark! Burpees for everyone who comes to make up night! 


This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Mark!! 🙂

  2. Tiana

    MARK!!! Happy Birthday!!! 🙂 I hope you have an awesome day.

  3. roydanlobo

    I think I am gonna do the Murph !! Looks like Fun !!!

  4. Phil

    Happy birthday mark! Thanks for all the inspiration bud. Won’t be in tomorrow but will throw down some burpees at home for sure

    Roydan ur sick…

  5. Mike Sabol

    Happy birthday Mark! I am going to do yesterday’s WOD most likely.

  6. Laurie

    Happy birthday Mark! Sorry I won’t be able to join you tonight for some burpees. Roydan, good luck with Murph. It’s been four days and I am STILL sore!

  7. Mark

    Thanks guys! I feel a little more mature today.

  8. Kevin

    Happy Birthday, duder. I expect cupcakes for the whole class!

  9. Christopher Chamberlain

    Happy Birthday Mark!!! Thanks for Helping make our Crossfit Dreams come true.

  10. Kim

    Happy Birthday Mark! Hope it’s great!

  11. Tiana

    I think I’m going to do the 1/2 Murph today.

  12. Killa

    I don’t think all us should be subjected to 47 burpees…Happy birthday, old man! 😉

    Also, Kev…cupcakes…really? You fail.

  13. Joe

    We gonna party like it’s your…Happy Birthday Mark.

  14. Nikki

    Results from tonight:

    Tanner 46:34 vest
    Roydan 33:18 (1 mile, 1/2 reps (G), 800m)

    WOD 2
    Nick 15:08 Rx
    Miranda 16:07 Rx+ (10′)
    Quentin 8:34 (10#, 10 burpees, knee tucks, 20 ring rows)
    Killa 10:18 Rx
    Eric Hetrick 10:58 (12#, K2E, 15 towel PU)
    Chase (time?)

    Partner WOD
    Chris C & Kev 16:47 Rx
    John C 28:54 (20″, 14#, 85#, 2 min breaks)
    Jerry 2:27 / 2:47 / 3:02 / 3:27 / 3:40 (20″, 14″, 65#)

    Push Press WOD
    Frank 155, 5:53 (75#)
    Colin 185, 8:57 (95#)

    Box Squats & 200m lunge
    Mike S 225, 7:40
    Dani 75#, 7:00

  15. Killa

    Kevin lied to me…he told me WOD 2 was to 10′ so that’s what I did, also…technically I win then because I did Rx+ right?! Haha suckaaaaa!

  16. Nikki

    We said 9′ but advanced women should always shoot to 10′. Meaning you will never do another 9′ wall ball again my friend! Awesome time on that brute – ill have to try it when my butt stops hurting so bad! 🙂

  17. Emily Croce

    Hope you had a nice birthday Mark!

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