Daily WOD – Jun 8, 2016

Jeannette ripping through some KB snatches!
Jeannette ripping through some KB snatches!

4x800m run


3x max consecutive weighted pull ups (45/25#)

WOD Notes:  We will start a run every 8 minutes.  If you are not fond of running, rowing is an option as is cutting back the distance to 400 or 600m.



This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. John

    John M. 2:46/2:54/2:59/2:57
    Elissa 3:12/3:24/3:32/3:29
    Ed 3:40/4:11/4:41/4:05
    Karen 3:56/4:31/4:46/4:40
    Ceil 4:01/4:12/4:14/4:12
    Tyson 3:33/3:30/3:33/3:44 row
    Jenn 3:43/3:49/3:37/3:42 row
    Nikki K. 4:31/4:57/5:04/ 10:24

    Tim 3:17/3:25/3:31/3:28
    Erik 3:43/3:51/3:57/4:04
    Nicole 3:40/3:51/3:57/4:04

    Matt S. 2:55/3:22/3:16/3:19
    Paul 3:04/3:03/3:41/3:35
    Jen C. 3:36/4:00/3:51/3:58
    Pat B. 2:59/3:03/3:30/3:29
    Dave C. 3:33/4:05/3:52/4:10

  2. Kehl

    Daria 3:46, 3:45, 4:04, 4:08 (row)
    Pete 3:21, 3:42, 3:44, 3:44 (row)
    Dave 3:25, 3:31, 3:37, 3:37 (1k row)
    Tobin 3:48, 3:52, 3:54, 3:43
    Dubs 3:45, 3:45, 3:57, 3:57
    Rey 3:13, 3:17, 3:32, 3:28
    Janet 4:26, 4:51, 5:10, 5:12
    Sikora 3:12, 4:11, -, –
    Erin 3:16, 3:22, 3:34, 3:29
    Caine 2:57, 3:13, 3:14, 3:27
    Cam 2:50, 3:10, 3:01, 3:10

  3. Kehl

    DK 3:38, 3:16, 3:25, 3:20
    Andrew 4:02, 4:05, 4:28, 4:13
    Ryan 3:38, 3:27, 3:33, 3:29
    Colin 4:02, 4:07, 4:17, 4:16
    Ashley 3:46, 3:54, 4:07, 3:56
    Dan S. 3:00, 3:04, 2:50 (error, went opposite direction and went down wrong street), 3:12
    Marvin 3:20, 3:24, 3:23, 3:38
    Alexa 3:41, 4:00, 3:51 (row), ? (row)
    Conn 3:35, 3:25, 3:40, 3:49
    James 5:40 (cramp), 2:49 (row), 2:45 (row), 2:53 (row

  4. Dave


    eQ 3:07, 3:09, 3:13, 3:10 (row)
    Allen 3:16, 3:19, 3:26, 3:22 (row)
    Jacki 3:31, 3:42, 4:06, 4:05 (650m)
    Moira 4:57, 4:51, 4:43, 4:22 (faster each round!)
    Jeannette 4:21, 4:33, 4:38, 4:19 (fastest in 4th!)
    Kelly K. 4:07, 4:11, 4:15, 4:06 (fastest in 4th!)
    Kehl 2:43, 3:01, 2:54, 2:53.5
    Alyssa 3:19, 3:22, 3:26, 3:29
    Fili 2:50, 3:09, 3:16, 3:07 (row)
    Dan E. 3:08, 3:26, 3:25, 3:37
    Jeff 3:36, 3:35, 3:41, 3:38
    Nikki K. 4:46, 4:58 (Did all 4 in the 5:15 class)

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