In pairs, complete 12 rounds (6 each) of:
- 5 hand stand pushups
- 7 deadlifts (225/155#) NTE 60% 1RM
- 9 burpees
WOD Notes: This will be an interval style workout in which one partner will complete a full round and then the second partner will complete a full round. Partners continue alternating until 12 total rounds have been completed.
Other Notes: There are only 6 spots left for Tim Pappas’s Running Form Workshop; reserve your spot today! The workshop will take place at ICA on Wednesday June 13th from 6:30-8:30pm. You will learn and practice POSE running techniques, which will help you run more efficiently. Whether you’re a runner looking to get faster, or you absolutely dread the running part of a WOD, this workshop is for you! To register, go to MindBody and click on the “Seminars” tab. The cost is $30.
Coach Plentus from CrossFit KOP is offering an intensive, 3-hour workshop on the Clean & Jerk this Sunday from 3pm-6pm. During the clinic, you’ll learn a detailed breakdown of this famous Olympic lift and get personalized feedback on your form, including a video analysis of your C+J to analyze it in slow motion. All levels of experience are welcome. Email chris@crossfitkop.com to reserve your spot. The cost is $50.
This Post Has 10 Comments
It is going to kill me to miss this and I’m not sure I will be back in time on Thursday to make it up….aaahhhhhhh!!!
I’m looking to do this Thursday, Joe. If you make it I’m down.
Sounds good Kev. I’ll post something on Thursday to let you know if I will make it.
i’m loving these partner WODs! they look deceptively easy. 🙂
In for 4:30!! This looks fun! : )
Is anyone doing the Clean & Jerk workshop? I am thinking about doing it, since I missed the last one.
I’m Thinking about it Mike.
Me too. Chris/Mike let me know if you guys are going. I’ll go too.
i keep missing these partner wods!!! anyone for portential make up thurs??
Results from tonight:
Tanner (2-45# deficit for 4 rds)
Craig (abmat)
Mike S (abmat)
Time – 11:30
Killa (abmat, 1 rd Rx!)
Natalie (20″ box, 135#)
Time – 18:13 (and a little pukie!)
Lindsey (2-25# plates + abmat, 135#)
Mike Korba (45#+ 2 abmat, 115/135#)
Time – 15:40
John W (95#)
Mark (95#)
Chris C (2 abmats)
Time – 14:48
Karen (2 abmat, 135#)
Roydan (2 abmat, 135#)
Time – 13:04
Stacey (HS Hold then 20″ box, 95#)
Brandy (HS Hold, 95#)
Time – 15:04
Keeley (abmat, 155#)
Frank (abmat, 155#)
Time – 14:27
Dan (2 abmat)
Phil Rx
Time – 15:00
Colin (abmat + 45#, 185)
Nick (abmat + 45#, then hold, 185#)
Time – 16:26
Dani (105#, abmat +25#)
Nikki Rx
Laurie (115#, HS hold) * 2012 goal met!