Daily WOD – Jul 14, 2023

Melinda cruising through box jumps!

Workout of the Day

Partner interval AMRAP in 24 minutes of:

  • 8 dumbbell thrusters (2×50/35#)
  • 20-yd walking lunge (2×50/35#)
  • 8 tall box jumps (30/24″)

WOD Notes: Partners will take turns, each performing 1 complete round while the other partner rests. Try to pair up with someone you can share dumbbells with. If we run out of dumbbells, kettlebells work too! For the walking lunge, the DBs/KBs can be carried any way desired – by your sides, on your shoulders, or over head! (Caution: Even though 50/35# is a “typical” DB weight, today’s workout calls for 2 of them, which is a lot more challenging. Be ready to drop down to 1 DB if you need to mid-WOD.)


This Post Has One Comment

  1. J Sy

    Yall tryin to kill me with all these thrusters…. 🤢

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