Daily WOD – Jul 11, 2014

Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4


5x5R/5L KB lunges (KB will be held on chest as a goblet squat)



This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nikki

    Hoagie 345
    Patrick M 255
    Devon 185
    Maggie 185
    Katie L 165
    Nikki K 165
    Julie 70
    Jenn 235

    Rachael 195
    Jocelyn 165
    Alyssa 125
    Jill 125
    Brian 325
    Fili 405 x 4 3/4
    Moira 100
    MB 113
    Sarah L 123

    Katie R 135
    Scott 335
    Hilary 205
    Jeannette 155
    John 405 across

    Nik 225
    Jen N 225 (250×1 *2014 goal*)
    Kathy 145
    Kerri 185
    Mel 175
    Anna 245
    Chris 270
    Joel 235
    Stuart 135

    Sarge 165 across
    Nadine 155 PR!
    Chase 365
    Peggy 135
    Tina 145 (165×1 PR!)
    Dani 195
    Anthony 245

    1. Chris

      Chris from 4pm was 170 not 270! That would have been awesome if it was true!

  2. Fili

    Wow 245…nice job Anna

    1. Anna

      Thanks Fili!! Great job on 405! That’s freakin crazy!!

  3. Sarge

    6pm Results
    Phil 225 (snatch grip, across)
    Linds 255
    Brenna 175 PR!
    Pete 210 PR!
    Sean 235
    Dan 405
    James 385 (sumo)

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