Daily WOD – Jan 28, 2015

Complete in any order for time:

  • 10 rope climbs
  • 50 deadlifts (315/205#)
  • 200 double unders

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Tav

    This is awesome.

  2. Laurie

    OH. CRAP.

  3. Sara R.

    Wish I could get in to do this one!

  4. eQ

    Aw man! I am definitely doing this one on Thursday! Anyone else? πŸ™‚

  5. Nikki

    eQ I’ll join you!

  6. Phil

    Cynthia 20:22 (SU, tucks)
    Dan E 22:51 Rx
    Brian M 25:00 (225, 70DU)
    James B 21:30 (185, 50DU)
    Sarah L 17:40 (115S, 100DUA)
    Maggie 20:19 (155, 350 SU)
    Jenn 13:18 (185×25)
    Katie C 17:30 (115, 50DUA, tape, 6 rds 1/5/20)
    Mohyeed 22:46 (225S, 50DUA, 5RC)
    Amy 22:30 (105, 100DUA)

    Katie L 25:00 (133, 30 DL, 300 SU)
    Katie N 24:20 (185)
    Jess V 25:00 (125, 85DU) 10 DUS in a row!
    Paul 21:50 (185, 50 DU/300 SU)
    Todd V 25:00 (275, 50DU)
    John 14:00 Rx

  7. Jen N

    YES! EQ and Nikki – what time?? Please say after 530 πŸ™‚ I am stuck at work tonight so not going to make it.

    1. Nikki

      Sorry Jen and Erin, I made it tonight so I’m out for tomorrow! Was going crazy not working out since Saturday. I hope you two can meet up!

  8. Kehl

    Erin 24:04 (145, above the tape)
    Dave 17:26 Rx
    Tav 21:56 (tape, 1/2 sumo)
    Chase 23:50 (275)
    Dani 24:25 (155, 100 dua/200 su)
    Fili 23:35 (3 L-sit pull-ups, 100 DU, 315)
    Joanna 20:59 (135, 100 DU+200 SU)
    Caba 21:07 (185, 10 DU, 400 SU)
    Jimbo 19:33 (255)
    Nikki 15:44 (185)
    MB 17:28 (120, tape, 100 DU)
    Joe W. 24:49 (275, 100 DU)

    Allen 20:44 (165, 100 DU)
    Laurie 21:30 (165 –> 145, 5 RC/5 tape)

  9. Tav

    I loved this work out. My right leg hairs, not so much.

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