Daily WOD – Jan 21, 2013

Welcome Anna!
Welcome Anna!
OG reunion


  • 20 pull ups
  • 30 push ups
  • 40 situps
  • 50 squats

Rest 3 minutes and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.  Score is total time including rest.

WOD Notes:  This is a (brutal) CrossFit benchmark workout. Everyone will be on their own clock… meaning when you finish your first round, check the clock, wait three minutes, then start round 2. Your score for this WOD is the total amount of time it takes to complete 5 rounds, including the built in 12 minutes of rest. Barbara can be scaled to half reps or take 10 off each movement (10 pullups, 20 pushups, 30 situps, 40 squats).  There will be a 45 minute time cap so choose your scale accordingly!


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Wow-this is a heck of a WOD! Excited/panicked to do it in the morning!

  2. Laurie

    What can I sub for the pull ups? I’m not going to be able to grip anything heavier than a piece of paper until my hand heals. Any suggestions?

    1. ICA admin

      Laurie you may be able to do ring rows, we’ll play around with them. Ask about our velcro hook 🙂

  3. Mike V.

    The cold forced me into the basement – no room to kip, so I did flailing/cheating strict pullups. 33:23. Have fun with this one!

  4. ICA admin

    Gunter 44:00 (7 pull)
    Matt C. 43:27 (10 strict)
    Marissa 39:04 (P+M, 20 push)
    Jenn 44:52 Rx
    Katie 44:12 (10, 20)
    Jacki 4+19 (2xP, knees)

    Barb 41:40 (P, knees)
    Spence 42:20 (DC Pushups)
    Alexis 34:57 (P, -10 reps)
    Mrs. Spence 38:38 (10 pull, knees)
    Cragle 40:43 (20 jumps, 30 KBS)
    John 39:40 Rx

    Moira 4+4SU (RR, 16″)
    Nikki 22:24 (3 rds)
    Natalie 34:23 (1/2, G+P, knees)
    Chris 42:46 Rx
    Kevin P 40:49 (20×3, 15×2)
    Lindsey 43:34 (10, 20)
    Sara R. 41:18 (G, knees)
    Todd V. 42:10 (DC on 14 PU)
    Jess V. 44:16 (10 pulls)
    Kim D. 41:25 (30 squats, knees, 2xMM)
    Peggy 44:34 (knees, P)
    Rey 44:06 Rx

    Craig 40:58 Rx
    Buzz 41:23 Rx
    Amy 4:45 (10 P, 15)
    Sarah H. 43:50 (G, knees)
    Brendan 44:27 Rx
    Tom S. 44:44 (P)
    Joel 42:23 (G -10)
    Phil 42:05 Rx
    Korba 4+19 (10 pull)
    Denny 43:17 (10 pull, G)
    Ron 3+9 squats (P, 10 pull)
    Melissa 43:13 (G, knees)

    Mel 4+27 SU (10 P+G, 20 knees)
    Nick A. 43:24 (parallette)
    Nick V. 41:56 (G, 10 PU)
    Jackie 4+6 squats (10, knees)
    Stacey 44:43 (RR, 26 KB)

    Mike R. 33:18 (-10, G/P band, push ROM)
    Brian 37:48 (G, 2 full rds, 3x10PU)
    Vic 34:02 (G, -10)
    Mike L. 41:32 (G, 10 PU, push ROM)
    Maggie 34:47 (-10, P+mf, knees)
    Paul 44:06 (P, 10 PU, 20 push)
    Justin 37:12 (1 rd Rx, 4 rds -10)
    Hoagie 41:57 (G+B, -10, push ROM)
    Michael 38:40 (2 rds -10, 3 rds 1/2, G, knees)

    Fantastic job today. Hats off to Lindsey for the most legit push ups I’ve ever seen her do and Todd for stringing 4 rounds of push ups unbroken! Impressive work.

    1. Lindsey

      Thanks for the shout out John / Nikki! Also, thanks for pushing me to continue even though I though my arms would snap off!!

  5. ICA admin


    Jerry 32:41 (G+P,1/2reps)
    Dani 40:10 (P,knees)
    Chase 41:05 (MM)
    Kim H. 40:55 (P+MM,knees)
    Laurie 30:56 (RR,-10reps)
    Kelly 40:35 (knees,10pullups)
    Nikki K. 37:49 (G+P,knees,-10reps)
    Mario 37:15 Rx
    Sarge 42:03 (P+MMstrict,35#kbs)
    Anna 41:28 (G,knees,4rounds:10,15,40,50reps)
    Kevin 29:00 (MMstrict,1/2reps)

    Great work tonight everyone!

  6. Conspiracy Man

    9:30am class results. Buried in the Giants end zone or with Amelia Earhart? You decide.

  7. Scott

    O’Neill’s night crew
    Scott 17:41 (3 rounds)

  8. Nick V

    Minor correction to mine–I was using the green band and only doing 10 pullups per round.

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