Daily WOD – Jan 12, 2015

Kyle mid deadlift
Kyle heading up a line of deadlifters

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 5 power snatches (115/75#)
  • 7 front squats (115/75#)
  • 9 toes to bar

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    Todd V. 5+19 (95)
    James N. πŸ™‚ (tucks)
    Jenn 4+18 (65)
    Eric P. 4 (95 tucks)
    Mohyeed 3+5 (pc)

    Moira 5+13 (35 PC, post)
    Jess V. 5+5 (55)
    Katie L. 4 (55)
    Kerri 3+17 (55)
    Tanya 4+13 (65)
    Ron 3+3 (DCT2B)
    Patrick M 3+17 Rx
    Erik P. πŸ™‚ (65PC, tucks)
    John 6 Rx

    Jen F. 4 (35)
    Maggie 4+11 (tucks)
    Pugh 5+1 (95)
    Korba 4+13 (75, tucks)
    Paul 4+6 (85)
    Peggy πŸ™‚ (55 PC)
    Sarah L. 5 (55)
    Brian 4+5 Rx
    Kyle 4+14 (95)

    Nikki K. 7+6 (PC, tucks 55#)
    Kelly K. 5+14 (5 T2B, 55)
    Julie R. 5+5 (5T2B/RD, 65)
    Jen N. 5+5 (row, 2xMC)
    Kehl 5+5 (95)
    Leah 2+10 (45HPC)
    Steve P 4+7 (PC, 75, 2xMC)
    Dani 5+2 (65)
    Chase 4+10 (95)
    Bryan S. 4+16 Rx
    Chris 5+12 (50, tucks)
    Jeannette 5 (45, tucs 5-7-5)

    Killa 4+16 (50, 135 dead)
    Tav 3+18 Rx
    Sarge 4+3 (tucks)
    Erin 6+7 (55, tucks)
    Crush 3+15 Rx
    Dave 7+1 (95, 5-7-5)
    Daria 5+3 (tucks, 45)
    Justin 4 (65, PC)
    Peter 4+4 (65)
    Bryan B. 3+16 (PC)
    Joe W> 3+17 (tucks/T2B)
    Jess S> 4+5 (50, tucks)
    BOb 4+5 (95)
    Fili 3+16 Rx

  2. ICA admin

    7PM Results
    Rick 3+5 Rx
    Laurie 4 (75 pc, Tucks)
    Phil 4+1 Rx+ (135)
    Sarah 5+11 (75 PC, Tucks)
    MB 4 (65, T2B)
    Kim 5 (55, Tuck)
    Allison 4+4 (65, PC)
    Alex 45+3 95, Tuck
    Allen 4+5 (75)

    1. Fili

      Damn Alex…a round every 10 seconds.

    2. Alex

      That’s what happens when you are awesome

  3. Laurie

    Whoa, I did NOT do tucks. I did T2B.

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