Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
100 yd KB or DB Overhead Carry
WOD Notes: For anyone that doesn’t feel stable throwing weight overhead, the sub for the split jerk will be either push presses or KB overhead presses. The overhead carry will be both arms at the same time. Compare split jerk to 180319.
Community Notes: Happy Birthday Sillup!
This Post Has 3 Comments
Frank N. 115
JIm C. 1000 or 135, anyone’s guess
Dan E. 255
Bill 🙂
Faith :0
Danielle 100 PR!
Anne Marie 115
Steve M. 🙂
Matt B> 165
Franco 165
Ian 155
Mohyeed 205
Ron 195
DE 215
Jenn 165
Kelly G 75
Becca 35 PRx5xa lot
Jason 185
KB 205
BWat 95x a lot
Greg 85xa lot
Craig 145
Pete S. 145
VInce L. 75 x a lot
Ed 205 form
JOel form
Sean M> 155 PR!
Megan V> 90 strict FIRST MUSCLE UP!
Tiff 🙂
Heather 125
JEsse 105 PR!
Patrick D. 55
Alexa 120
Luke 155
Janet Form
Alex D. 55
Joe 185 PR!
John C. 155
Brendan 95 Form
Megan 90
Morgan 85
Jeff 125
Tina 95
Lombardi 120 PR20#!
Nikki K. 85 PR!
Tim 95 Form
Tanya Strict Stuff
Erin 135
Patrick Y 🙂
Rob M 95
Quinn 185
Sean 175
Blythe 60
Stephen 155
Erik 145