Daily WOD – Feb 28, 2017

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

  • 10 power cleans (115/75#)
  • 10 jumping squats

WOD Notes:  This workout is designed to be fast!  Choose a weight that will allow you to cycle all 10 cleans for at least the first 5 rounds.

Open Notes: 17.1 results are in… congrats to our top 5 teams! Each team’s score is the sum of their individual scores,   assigned as follows: 1st place male/female: 100 points. For men, scores drop by 2 points per place, with last place male (42nd place) earning 18 points. For women, scores drop by 3 points per place, with the last place female (28th place) earning 19 points. Every team member adds to your score, unless you have a teammate who didn’t attempt the workout in any form, in which case their score is 0.

  1. Masters Revenge, 348 points (Erik, Jeff, Betsy, John C, Brian F)
  2. Mayhem Understudies, 327 points (Erin, Nikki, Ray, Rocco)
  3. Flex Appeal, 322 points (Jenn, KTS, Vicki, Missy)
  4. “Team 10,” 283 points (Brian W, DK, Austin, Ash)
  5. 900 lbs of Twisted Steel, 280 points (John, Fili, Smith, Chris M)

Link to full results HERE. On each page, individuals are listed above and team results are tallied at the bottom. Send us a team name if you haven’t already!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. ICA admin

    Breakfast Club Results

    Erin 12:15 (Rx)
    Craig 11:42 (Rx)
    Chris 15:46 (Rx)
    Ryan 15:52 (Rx+: 12 Rd, 135)
    Todd 13:13 (scale)
    Wes 16:44 (95)
    Ken 16:43 (75)
    James 🙂
    Faith 14:38 (55)
    Katie S 10:56 (Rx)

  2. Moira

    As the newly self-created Masters Revenge team cheerleading squad, I am thrilled with the first results!!!

  3. Dave


    Murray 12:41 Rx
    Elissa 11:10 Rx
    Danielle 18:13 Rx
    Luke 13:51 Rx
    Curtis 16:02 Rx
    Fili 18:25 Rx
    Mel 11:07 Rx
    Wyso 13:10 Rx
    Karen 20:12 Rx
    Janet 16:39 (DC squats)
    Andrew 18:46 Rx
    Zabs 16:39 Rx
    Dubs 17:01 (85)
    Smith 14:23 (8rds)
    Nik 9:37 Rx
    Jeff (guest) 😉 (75HPC)

  4. Heather Morgan

    Our team name is Three Women and a Baby

    1. Nikki

      Doh! I knew that!

  5. Nikki

    * 9:30 and evening classes did jumping squats to a 45# plate

    Dave S 16:50 (95, depth)
    Jimbo 15:36 Rx
    Betsy 13:14 (35, 11 rds?)
    Emma 23:36 *** first Rx!!! ****
    Brianna 19:34 (55 HPC)
    Patrick M 18:27 Rx
    Pat B 16:08 (95)
    Mario 15:45 Rx

    Jenn 🙂 Rx
    Steve P 16:39 Rx
    Quinn 15:30 (105)
    Heather 12:40 (65, air squat)
    Brooks 13:42 Rx
    DK 17:00 Rx
    Vicki 13:01 Rx
    Hannah 16:16 (55)
    Tom S 11:02 (5×135 HPC)
    Paul 11:44 (95 HPC)
    Robbie 17:04 (GHD)
    Shawn 15:55 (85)
    Bre 13:59 (5×115 HPC)
    Marissa Y 15:50 Rx
    Duris 13:22 Rx
    Mike C 16:10 Rx

    Boelker 11:32 Rx+ (135)
    Filchner 16:47 (105)
    caine 🙂
    EQ 11:45 Rx
    Jeff C 12:29 (95)
    Kenny 13:58 (75)
    Derek 15:39 (95)
    Bob K 15:52 (95)
    Kelly D 🙂 (65)
    Ash 11:45 (5×75)
    Chase 15:00 Rx
    Dani 13:36 Rx
    Sigal 21:31 Rx
    Chris S 17:21 (65)
    Andrea 13:00 (35)
    Ceil 16:49 Rx
    Tim C 15:13 (105)
    Joe S (:) 5×115, prowler)

    Rob G 14:10 (95)
    Robert 16:45 (95 HPC, 7″)
    Erik 16:28 (95)
    Sean 16:30 (HPC)
    Marissa W 13:40 (5×35 HPC)
    Nicole W 12:29 (55 HPC)
    Laurie 11:48 (65)
    Alexa 13:50 (HPC)

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