Workout of the Day
Complete AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
- 10 power cleans (135/93#)
- 10 toes to bar
Rest 2 min
Complete AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
- 8 power cleans (155/103#)
- 8 toes to bar
Rest 2 min
Complete AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
- 6 power cleans (185/123#)
- 6 toes to bar
WOD Notes: This workout consists of 3 short AMRAPs. The weight on the barbell increases each round, but the reps of power cleans and T2B decrease. The 10 cleans in the first AMRAP should ideally be cycled in sets of 3-5 rather than dropping every rep. If you know your 1RM power clean, your weights should not exceed 65-75-85%.
Community Notes: Happy birthday Bob Brown and Nicole S!