Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
5×10 Banded Romanian deadlifts (50% of 5 rep max)
WOD Notes: On the banded RDL, the band will be attached to a vertical post on the rig at about quad height and placed across the hips. Compare to 170510.
Community Notes: Happy Birthday Jen C!
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Happy birthday Jen!
James A lot
Caine 315 Across
Ash Squats
Jenn 255
Ryan 355
Zane 225
Vince 135
Marissa 155
KTL 155
Frank ?
Kyle 225
DE 315
Missy 200 Hex
Happy Birthday Jen!
MItch 225
Tanya 255
Shawn G> 185
RIcky 345
Joe S> 225 S
Rey 235
Kyle K. 235
Saige 95
Betsy 135 s
Bri 135
Heather 185
Brian W. 405
Duris Form
Mike C> form
Robert G> 185 form
Boelker 345
Luke 315×1
Erin 255 PR!
Sarge 185
Joe S> form
Ben L. 185
Don 155
MIla 55 x a lot
Dani 205
Tina 180
Nikki K. 205
Curtis 345
Janet 225
Mike D> 275
Bob K 315
Andrew 300 *ouchie
Danielle 205 PR!
Cindy 135
Michelle 145 pR!
Kristen 95 sumo
Nik 225
Derek 225 PR! sumo
John 435
Blake 405
LaCava 365, 385×3
Erik 325
Greg 185 sumo
Rocco 155 hex
Elissa 175
Brianna 185
Karen 185