Daily WOD – Aug 20, 2013

Jerry killing some front squats
Jerry killing some front squats

Complete 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

  • front squat (205/135# NTE 65%)
  • toes to bar

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    This looks awesome!!!

  2. Korba

    I am assuming that you have to take the bar off the ground for the front squats?

    1. Nikki

      Yes, from the floor

  3. Tina

    Bummed to miss this one.

  4. Hilary

    Got this one in pre-breakfast club at globo gym…
    95#, 11:14

    p.s. it’s just not as much fun by yourself!

    1. Sara R.

      Good job Hilary on doing this on your own, I’m sure you got some funny looks at your globo gym.

  5. Dave B.

    Carver had someone up at 1:18AM…

    1. Nikki

      True story!

  6. B

    This looks good..

  7. Nick V.

    Crossfit Bethesda: 50 weighted situps at 25#, then three rounds of 10 squat cleans and 10 push press at 75#, split up with 800m, 400m, and 200m runs.

    1. Sarge

      Darn Nick, that sounds hardcore.

  8. Fili

    From Crossfit Outer Banks, NC

    45 sec on, 15 sec rest for
    3 rounds of:
    * Rope Whips
    * Beat the Tire
    * Tire Flips
    * Sled Drag (90#)
    * Star Jumps
    * Sit-ups
    * Flex Arm Hang
    * Kettlebell Good Mornings (53#)
    * Walking Lunges
    * Sandbag Squat Cleans (50#)

    No score, just go hard the whole time.

  9. Ron & Tina

    The Santoro’s at the beach:

    400m run + warm up

    4 rds:

    200m run 5 Push up’s 10 sit up’s & 15 squat’s

  10. Tom S

    C’mon Santoro’s…not for time?

  11. Dave B.

    I want to know something. What is it, EXACTLY, that ICA puts in the water cooler there? What makes me, only 3 hours after destroying my traps, hands and forearms, look at my phone, barely able to hold it up, seeing the next day’s WOD, and get excited? I guess it is a time release thing too, because it happens at 6AM the following morning, 12 hours in advance of my PM class…

    1. Nikki

      Lol it’s a proprietary drug we slip into the water… But it’s only effective on certain types of people…

  12. Kehl

    Congrats to Joe and family! Hope everyone is healthy and happy! Hey McGonigal!! So, I texted you yesterday to congratulate you…and this morning, I get a text back from your number and the text said, “wrong number”. Sooo…I informed the number that Joe’s wife had a baby. I did not hear back from the number. Haha, cruel joke Joe!

  13. ICA admin

    Kim H. 12:04 (105)
    Jon 9:28 (65)
    John 8:43 Rx

    Garrett 6:32 (225 BS)
    Sabol 12:23 (185)
    Korba 14:07 (185)
    Chloe 7:58 (83, rings)
    Jess 7:20 (75)
    Em 8:40 (55 to 19″, post)
    Rey 10:50 (135)
    Robbie 8:08 (120)
    B 10:34 (105)
    Matt C. 12:21 (185)
    Tom S. 10:35 (120)
    Derek 11:18 (95 post)

    Nikki K. 7:25 (75 BS, post)
    Jerry 12:44 (100)
    Ben 10:21 (155)
    Kelly 11:58 (75 post)
    Jackie B. 12:07 (80)
    Linds 10:42 (115, 21-12-9-3)
    Moira 11:16 (35, DB)
    Marissa 13:29 (83)
    Sarge 10:08 (105, DB)
    Josh 12:12 (95 depth, post)
    Tom P. 10:59 (135)
    Sara R. 12:07 (105)

    Nick A. 8:14 (125)
    Laurie 11:45 (85 BS, DC T2B)
    Jocelyn 9:51 (65, T2P)
    Chelsea 15:05 (75, T2P)
    Rachael 18:08 (95, DC T2B, T2P)
    Scott 16:30 (165, T2P)
    Ernesto 17:57 (95 Back, DC T2B)

  14. ICA admin

    6pm Results

    Dani 9:49 (105)
    Erin 10:17 (75)
    Anna 7:28 (90)
    Angie 9:18 (55)
    Peggy 9:57 (55)
    Dave 8:11 (145)
    Stacey 9:27 (75)
    Tanner 15:02 Rx
    Sidlo 13:27 (165)
    Tanya 7:36 (85)

  15. B

    Hey just a heads up did 165#

  16. Tina

    Lol…I was wondering the same thing, as Ben(about the water) as I am, for the first time in my life, missing going to the gym! I read the WODs each night and am bummed I can’t go. Not sure what it is …but Thanks ICA! See you Saturday!

    1. Tina

      As Dave B…..sorry!

  17. Phil

    i gotta make this one up somehow

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