Daily WOD – Aug 2, 2013
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Happy Birthday Mike V!!!!!!
Happy birthday, Mike V.!!!
Happy birthday Mike!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike!!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike!
You guys rock – thanks! Still on the mend but getting better. Can’t wait to see Carver deadlift!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike V.!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Yeah..more squats and box jumps..I can’t wait.
Happy Birthday Mike!!! Glad to hear you’re on the mend!
Yo Sidlo, I figured I’d put the WOD’s on here (since I don’t have your email) that we were talking about that are great while you are on vacation.
WOD 1:
3 rounds of
100 single unders
20 pushups
20 squats
20 situps
WOD 2:
30 burpees as fast as you can
rest 1 minute
40 double unders as fast as you can
rest 1 minute
run 1 mile
WOD 3:
50-40-30-20-10 Double unders and sit ups.
Or you could just drink and eat the whole time, that’s fun too.
Lastly Happy birthday Mike V
Not to take credit for these, as usual the evil genius John came up with these.
Thanks Rick! Where’s the “sit for 20 minutes unbroken in the hot tub” wod?
Happy birthday, Mike!
Happy birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Jon 12+25 (35# FS)
Hilary 12+9 Rx
Sara R. 12+20 (45)
James 12 Rx
Mickey 12+3 (65)
Katie L. 12+4 (45)
Russ 12+19 (65)
Sandra 12+8 (35)
Ben 12+6 Rx
Nate 10+14 (65)
Ginger 12+5 (35d)
Matt C. 12+2 (135 FS)
Ron 10+10 (45)
Joanna 10+14 (45d)
Jess 14+5 (45)
Scott 8+13 Rx
Rey 12+20 Rx
Chloe 14+8 (45)
Jackie T. 12+21 (65d)
Dani 12+20 Rx
Linds 14 Rx
Tom S. 12+15 (45)
Derek 14+5 (45)
Peggy 12+19 (35d)
Robbie 12+2 Rx
Jimbo 14+10 (HPC)
Tanya 12+1 (65FS)
Rick 12 (75)
Nick A. 14+6 (65D)
Kerri 8+3 (35)
Fili 10+12 Rx
Korba 14+1 Rx
Angie 12+10 (45FS, 12″)
Filchner 10+5 (65)
Chelsea 12+12 (35+16″)
Joel 10+6 (55)
B 12+13 Rx
Kim H. 12+26 (55)
OMC 10+8 Rx
Garrett 12+6 (95d)
Rachael 12+1 (45)
Adam 12+17 (35d, 20″)
Erin 14 (45d, 16″)
Melinda 12+4 (55d, 16″)
Zoo 12+19 Rx
Sidlo 12+15 Rx
Dave 14+8 (75d)
Chris 12+9 (35d, 16″)
Looking awesome Melinda!!