Daily WOD – Apr 5, 2014

Patrick in the bottom of a squat.
Patrick in the bottom of a squat.

Complete 7 rounds for time of:

  • 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 10 pull ups

WOD Notes:  There will be a 12 minute time cap on this workout.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Rudy!!


This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Tina

    Happy birthday Rudy!

  2. Hilary

    happy birthday, Rudy!!!!

  3. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Rudy!!

  4. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Rudy!!!

  5. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Rudy!!!

  6. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday Rudy!

  7. Marissa

    Happy birthday!!

  8. Laurie

    Hey ICAers,

    Quick quiz: Looking at the picture of Patrick’s back squat, if this were a competition, would you judge this squat as being low enough? I’d say yes, but juuuuust barely. What do you think? Mmmm.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday Rudy! Hope you enjoy this beautiful day!!!

    1. Fili

      Looks to be just at parallel, so I’d say it’s good.

      Happy Birthday Rudy!

    2. B

      Well, it’s a power squat, so it’s not the same as normal squats programmed, wider squat stance and you
      Don’t have to go full depth

    3. Nikki

      Clearly below parallel, IMO. By a good 1/2″ at least

    4. Nikki

      John pointed out the camera is sort of angled… so maybe it’s just a smidge below parallel. Def legit though. Power squats will never be as low as Olympic squats, but in competition even powerlifters have to break parallel….

  9. John

    Mel 6+9 (P+MM, 4 rds with just P)
    Ernie 5 (14, P+MM)
    Dan 6:09 Rx
    Ron 11:18 Rx
    Sajan 11:20 (DCPU)
    Bob 9:50 Rx
    Tom S. 9:20 Rx
    Hilary 10:39 Rx
    Sara R. 9:32 rX
    fENN 10:29 (8, 5x P+MM)
    Anna 9:30 (P+MM)
    Marissa 9:31 Rx

    Alicia 10:19 (8, G)
    Sarge 7:06 (P+MM x5)
    Erin 12:08 (MM+MF)
    Garrett 7:14 Rx
    Pugh 8:51 (DCPU)
    Jen N. 7:37 (RR)
    Nik 5:59 Rx
    Angie 10:55 (8, 5xG)
    Daria 9:02 (8, RR)
    Dave 7:47 Rx
    Fili 5+14 (5pu/rd)
    Laurie 11:01 (6xP)
    Jimbo 6+16 DCPU

    Hoagie 10:44 (P+MF, P for first 4 rds, 7pu/rd)
    Zoo 6+16 Rx+ (24, strict)
    Dani 11:44 (last 2rds with MM)
    Peggy 6+14 (10#, 7 pu)
    Heather 6+10 (8#, G+P)

    1. Sara R.

      Holy cow Nikki you smoked this wod! Nice job 🙂

    2. Nikki

      Thanks Sara! PUs and WBs are good movements for me!

  10. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Rudy!!

    1. Rudy

      Thank u all for the wishes…it was an awesome weekend with me spending the day with my family n new born niece of 5 days.

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