“Nasty Girls”
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 50 air squats
- 7 muscle ups
- 10 hang power clean (135/95#) *NTE 70% of your 1RM HPC or PC
WOD Notes: This is another CrossFit classic. Check out the video below, which was one of the most inspiring videos for me when I first started CF! The sub for muscle ups will be jumping MU, 2x pull ups + 2x ring dips, or 2x pull ups + 2x push ups.
Class Notes: Please sign up for the 6:15am class if you are coming! Class will be taught by Coach Mark, so you know it’ll be a good time. And trust us, you don’t want to miss the cash out he has planned…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDYpEtwimZE?rel=0]
This Post Has 14 Comments
In for the breakfast club!
Great intensity breakfast club!!!
Nasty Girls
Mike S. 7:26 (125, JMU)
Lindsey 14:18 (75, PU/RD)
Matt 9:00 (95, JMU)
Emily 14:56 (55, PU/RD)
*JMU – Jumping Muscle Ups
*PU – Pull-ups RD – Ring Dips
Cash Out
Mike S. 6:53
Lindsey 9:12
Matt 4:39
Emily 3:05
Jessica 5:47 (Karen’s Fundi)
Breakfast Club…keep the cash out hush, hush for the afternoon crew!
Great cash out/coaching Mark!
Awesome job mark! Cash out was fun 🙂
I sooooo tried to go this morning. I even woke up at 5 (since I live in the city now), brushed my teeth…and beelined back to my bed. I’ll be in at 5:30 though!
i’m racking my brain to figure out the the Cash Out could be…and I’m nervous that it’s taking anywhere from 4-9 minutes!! Yikes!!
Natalie is Not gonna make it today, she’s sore and sick.
I’m still going to try and make it by 5:30, but if not I’ll
definitely be there at 6:30.
going in for an MRI tomorrow so I SHOULD probably skip today..
damn another good workout to add to my makeup list
4:30 and 5:30 results:
Mark 21:18 (25 squats, 95#)
Keith 24:27 Rx minus 3 MU (thanks for visiting!!)
Killa 9:28 JMU
Nikki 16:44 (2x PU, 2x HPSU, 135#)
Craig 15:03 (JMU, 135# axle bar HPC)
Gunter 11:40 (JMU, 85#)
Cari 19:25 (MU/JMU/JMU attempts)
Laurie 13:40 (2x pull/push, 45#)
Karen 17:35 (2x pull/ring dip, 75#)
John W 10:10 (135# axle bar DL)
John C 23:15 (7 PU / 14 RD, 65#)
Jimbo 17:53 (2x pull/push)
Chris C (4-2-7 MU, 125#)
Jerry 15:18 (20 squats, 5 pull/push, 35#)
I’m sorry, my time was 17:49.
6:30 results
Killa’s TAKE 2 – 11:17 (JMU)
Keeley – 14:09 (2x pull/push, 95#)
Congrats to Cari on her first muscle up! That’s a huge accomplishment!
Results from the OG:
Barb 13:50 (1x pull/2x push, 65#)
Scott 11:09 (115#)
Cragle 10:56 (3-3-3 MU)
Get it cari!
What was the cashout?
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