October Competition


As many of you know ICA is helping to run the Xtreme Top Box Competition at Reeves Park in downtown Phoenixville on October 10th and 11th.  I recently found out we will need 30 judges each day from 6:00 am until approximately 6 pm.  If you have an interest in judging or volunteering/setting up for any part of the day, please post to comments which day and approximate time frame.  This could be a great way to bring ICA to the forefront of the Phoenixville community and it would definitely count as a personal favor to me!  Thanks to everyone in advance if you can help out!


This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Erik P

    Count me in to help. My schedule is flexible – just keep me posted on where and when I am needed.

  2. Fili

    Count me in for helping on the 10th.

  3. Tina

    Santoro’s are available Saturday start till 10:00 then again after 2:00 and all day Sunday.
    Glad to whatever is needed.

  4. Julie T.

    I’m available to help whenever you need me…any day, any time is cool with me. I’m free all weekend!

  5. Nikki K

    i can be there at 6 both days and stay as long as you need me.

  6. Fenn

    I can be there Sunday from 12 on …

  7. Daria

    Andrew and I can be there both days until around 12.

  8. Jeff Collins

    I can do all day, either day. Just let me know which one…

  9. Joe W

    I’d be happy to help out, and will be available as needed. My schedule is flexible.

  10. Patrick

    John – definitely count me in…6am start is not a problem…I can judge, volunteer, be a runner or whatever you need/want me to do. Would be super psyched to represent ICA at this event.

  11. Mel

    I can help out anytime on Sunday

  12. Chris S

    Adam and I should be available on the 10th. One of us may need to break off to transport kids to a few activities

  13. Joe S.

    Let me know what you need…I would prefer to work the dunk tank.

  14. Coll

    wait. There’s a dunk tank?! Now I’m in.

  15. Jess

    Todd and I can be there on Sunday, all day. Quinn might be able to help out, but don’t want to commit him as he may have a lot to do for school, as we are away all day on Saturday.

  16. Kerri

    Stuart and I are available from 10 – 3:00. Happy to help where we can!

    1. Kerri

      ….on Sunday: )

  17. Moira

    John – I can do Sunday noon to 6p.m. and stay to clean up or whatever afterwards. May be able to help set up for two hours Sat 6-8am and will confirm that asap.

  18. Robbie

    I can do most of the day Saturday and all day Sunday. I can be there at 6 Saturday, but I’m not sure yet what time I have to leave in the afternoon. I’m guessing around 2 or 3.

    1. PJ

      I can be there Saturday after 8 am for the remainder of the day.

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