Workout of the Day
“Open 21.3”
Complete for total time:
- 15 front squats (95/65#)
- 30 toes-to-bar
- 15 thrusters (95/65#)
– Rest 1 minute (clock continues to run) then –
- 15 front squats (95/65#)
- 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 15 thrusters (95/65#)
– Rest 1 minute (clock continues to run) then –
- 15 front squats (95/65#)
- 30 bar muscle-ups
- 15 thrusters (95/65#)
Time cap: 15 min.
“Open 21.4” – begins immediately upon completing 21.3
Complete the following complex for max load:
- 1 deadlift
- 1 clean
- 1 hang clean
- 1 jerk
Time cap: 7 min.
WOD Notes: Today’s Open workout has 2 parts. The first part (21.3) has a 15 minute time cap. The second part (21.4) starts immediately upon completion of 21.3 – that may be at 15:00, if you got capped, or sooner than 15:00 if you finished 21.3!
If you are competing in the Open, please read the Workout Description & Standards for your division:
21.3 Variations and Notes:
- Scaled 16-54 = 65/45 #, hanging knee-raises / pull-ups / chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Masters 55+ Rx = 65/45 #, T2B / pull-ups / chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Teens 14-15 Rx = 65/45 #
- For other versions, reference the workout description & scorecards linked above
- Competitors must place their barbell 8 feet from their PU bar. The workout starts with all athletes standing behind the PU line. During the 1 minute of rest, athletes must return to their starting point under the PU bar and must wait there until the 1 minute rest period has passed.
- Tie break: Record the time at the end of each set of thrusters.
21.4 Variations and Notes:
- The same barbell that was used for 21.3 must be used for 21.4. Athletes may not receive assistance loading the bar.
- Once the bar is deadlifted from the ground, all 4 movements must be completed in one continuous sequence.
- The movement standards are listed in the same pdf files as 21.3 (linked in red, above)
- The cleans can be power or squat cleans. The jerk can be a push press, push jerk, or split jerk
- Collars/clips must be placed on the outside of the plates for each attempt.
- Tie break: 21.3 results will be used to break the tie
Schedule Notes: These workouts together have a (max) 22 minute time cap. In order to accomodate 2 heats per class, we have revamped our schedule for the day. All classes will be 75 minutes long, with classes at 5:00am, 6:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm, and 5:30pm. Competitors’ heat (no instruction; Rx athletes only) at 7:00pm. Class caps were increased to 16 people to accommodate as many individuals as possible. Recognize that only 8 athletes will be working out at any given time, so there should be plenty of space to spread out and maintain safe distancing. If you are registered for the Open and all class times fill, please text us and we will do our best to accomodate you! We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the last-minute schedule change. We hope to see you all tomorrow for 21.3 & 21.4!
Community Notes: Happy Birthday Chris Mc!