Open Gym – Mar 9, 2017

Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm for Open Gym. You can work on anything you’d like, including making up a workout you missed from the past week:

  1. “Open 17.2”
  2. Teams of 4 complete 5000m row, 200 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 200 medball sit ups, 200 burpees
  3. Complete for time 1-10 power cleans and 10-1 front squats (185/115#)
  4. Complete 3 sets for max reps of bench press (60% 1RM), max ring rows
  5. Complete 5 rounds for time of 5 deadlifts (315/205#), 2 rope climbs, 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  6. Complete for time 400m run, 25 HSPU, 400m run, 25 thrusters, 400m run, 25 KB swings (70/53#), 400m run, 25 OHS (95/65#)

Open Notes:  Come in to the gym Thursday night around 7:30 to watch the live announcement of Open 17.3!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kehl

    CFE @ 4:30

    800m Run
    12min AMRAP
    *12 Power Cleans (95/65)
    *12 Bar Facing Burpees
    *50 Double Unders
    800m Run

  2. Kehl

    Curtis 23:00, 2rds Rx
    Moira 23:39, 3+30 (26kb, 20bj at 12″, 100su)
    Vanessa 26:15, 3 (20#kb DL, slam ball, 10cal row, row)

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