Football WOD – Mar 9, 2014

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 2 rope climbs
  • 6 back squats (225/145#)
  • 9 handstand push ups

Open Notes: Remember to post your scores for Open WOD 14.2!!

Swim WOD Notes: Please arrive at the Radnor High School pool a few minutes early so we can start promptly at 2:00/3:00pm. (Remember that it’s daylight savings time!) It’s $6.00 to get in. Make sure you have Nikki and/or John’s cell phone numbers on hand in case there’s any trouble finding us. The pool entrance is adjacent to the football stadium.


This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Anna

    Hi John/ Nikki- can I make it in tomorrow at 10am if I’m on the wait list?

    1. Nikki


  2. Sara R.

    Is the back squat from the rack or ground?

    1. Nikki

      We’ll try to partner folks up and use racks… Some folks may go a little lighter and do front squats. With a 155 power clean you’re an ideal candidate πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

    1. Nikki

      Find out when ya get there! Swimming and bodyweight movements.

    2. Erin Burke

      Swimming WOD=awesome! Thank you Tanya for coordinating.

    3. Katie N.

      Agreed. Thanks Tanya for getting us out there!

  3. Nick V

    Thanks to Tanya for organizing the swimming WOD. I would definitely do that again if given the option.

    1. KEB

      Agreed. That was so much fun! Thank you Tanya, Nikki and John!!

  4. Nikki

    Thanks to Tanya for helping us pull together a fun Sunday pool WOD! We did an AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
    – 20 air squats
    – 25 meter swim
    – 10 push ups
    – 25 meter swim

    Dan E 9+45
    John 7+11
    Fili 6+50
    Rick 7+55
    Marissa πŸ™‚
    KEB 7:20
    Katie N 8+45
    Fenn 8+55 (box)
    Jen N 7+45 (box)
    Erin 6+55
    Heidi 7+9 (box)
    Nik 8+0
    Zhu 6+0
    Tanya 8+15
    Rachael 9+0 (1/2 squat/PU)
    Kehl 9+4
    Katie L 8+0
    Kyle πŸ™‚

    1. Rick

      Great time, thanks Tanya. I was also psyched to have a reason to wear my speedo again. Was getting bored just wearing it around the house.

    2. Nick V

      I was there, too. 7 complete and everything but the final swim for round 8.

    3. Nikki

      sorry nick!!! yes we have you down for 7+55 !

  5. Korba

    I hope we can do one of these WODS again.

  6. ICA admin

    Peggy 21:25 (65/pu)
    Tina 17:47 (3 pulls, 65, pu negative)
    Anna 22:23 (DC, 120, 9″)
    Joanna 22:58 (120, pu)
    Patrick 24:40 (85, pu)
    Ron 20:57 (185, 4″, 3rds)
    Hoagie 20:50 (tape, 185, 25# pu)
    Rey 20:17 (185, 4″)
    Jenn 25:30 (5HSPU)
    Sara R. 17:35 (125, 5″)
    Coll 22:15 (125, 7″)
    Sarge 24:09 (145, pu)

    Make up night
    11:25 (1 RC, 95, 20″pu)

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