Open Gym – May 4, 2017


Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm for Open Gym. You can work on anything you’d like, including making up a workout you missed from the past week:

  1. Find 1 rep max of the complex: power clean, hang power clean, hang clean, jerk
  2. Partner Interval  AMRAP in 17 minutes: 10 box jumps (24/20″), 8 power snatches (75/55#), 6 burpees
  3. Complete for time: 12 thrusters (115/75#), 24 toes to bar, 9 thrusters, 18 toes to bar, 6 thrusters, 12 toes to bar
  4. “Nate” AMRAP in 20 minutes of 2 muscle ups, 4 HSPU, 8 KBS (70/53#)
  5. Banded Box Squat 10×2 then 20 knee jump box jumps
  6. Complete for time: 30 wallballs (30/20# to 10/9′), 800m run, 30 wallballs (30/20# to 10/9′)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Kehl

    CFE @ 4:30
    400m Run
    1-2-3-4-5 Squat Cleans (135/95)
    *4 Burpees Over Bar after each set of squat cleans
    800m Run
    5-4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans (135/95)
    *4 Burpees Over Bar after each set of squat cleans
    400m Run

  2. Nikki k

    This should be titled: The Dog Whisperer.

  3. Kehl

    Nikki K. 20:58 (65?)
    Brooks 18:33 (row)
    Amy 18:03 (55)
    Dave W. 22:21 (105)
    Sigal 22:30 (115)
    Lombardi 17:06 Rx
    Moira 22:05 (35, chargers)
    Caine 16:26 Rx
    Karen 21:20 (75)
    Mike C. 16:35 Rx
    Postek 19:54 Rx
    Jen C. 17:17 (75)
    Andy 18:15 (93)
    Catherine 15:24 (65)
    Vanessa 20:45 (row, 15: 8# wb squat cleans/10 cal bike)
    Duris 19:45 Rx

    1. Nikki k

      My weight was 75#

      1. Kehl

        Awesome! Thanks for noting!

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