Daily WOD – Sep 8, 2014

Welcome Rod!
Welcome Rod!

Dan E. hits a hip pull over into three hip circles!

Front Squat 8×1 (5 second pause, 90%)


20 hip pull overs NFT

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Quinn!!


This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Jess

    Happy 16th Birthday to my baby,Quinn!!!

  2. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Quinn!!!! 🙂

  3. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Quinn!! 🙂

  4. Danielle

    Happy birthday, Quinn!!

  5. Eric

    Happy Birthday Quinn!!!

  6. Nikki K

    Happy Birthday Quinn!

  7. Katie L

    HBD Quinn!!!!!!

  8. Tina

    Happy birthday Quinn!

  9. Alicia

    Happy Birthday Quinn

  10. Kehl

    Happy Birthday Quinn!

    Nice tuck ‘n roll Dan!

  11. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Quinn!!

  12. ICA admin

    6pm Results
    Dave Dan+2 🙂
    Allen 135
    Jeanette 95
    Tanya 170

    Happy birthday, Quinn!!

  13. Dave

    Nice job with a new skill, Dan. Honestly very impressive!

    Happy Birthday Quinn!!!!!

  14. McGonigal

    Happy Birthday Quinn

    Checking in from Crossfit Mendota in Minnesota

    3×5 Back Squat – 275
    For Time:

    30 cal row
    30 bar facing burpees
    30 HPC #135


    1. Nikki

      Nice job Joe. your legs are going to be toast tomorrow!

  15. ICA admin

    Jenn 155
    Sarah L. 95
    Tracy 65
    Mohyeed 205
    Nick V. 205
    Dan E. 235

    John 275
    Moira 45
    Jocelyn 110
    Patrick M. 165
    Katie L 85
    Katie N. 85
    Tana 105
    Kerri 100

    Quinn 125
    Zoo 265
    Bryan 155
    Alicia 95
    Rick 205
    Joel 125

    Sabol 245
    Bob B. 185
    Nikki K. 80 (box)
    Kelly K. 115
    Steve K. 155
    Kyle 155
    Paul 155
    Chris 125
    Tina 105

    Rod 205
    OMC 245
    Fili 225
    Chase 205
    Dani 135
    Sarge 135
    Daria 95
    Erin 105
    Peter 125
    Adam 145
    Natalie 115

    Dave 237
    Allen 135
    Jeannette 95
    Tanya 170

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