Daily WOD – Sep 24, 2018

Moira hanging out with race security at her 10k in Wyoming!

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

  • 5 right-arm Turkish get ups (35/20#)
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 5 left-arm Turkish get ups (35/20#)
  • 1 minute plank hold

WOD Notes:Β  Today’s workout is a slower moving metcon; your focus should be first and foremost on quality of movement. The sub for rope climbs will be 10 hanging knee tucks.

Nutrition Notes: Day 15/40. 2 weeks down and 4 to go! Today’s topic is dairy, and why it’s not allowed on our challenge (or on diets like Whole30 and Paleo). The primary reason is that dairy is a highly inflammatory food, and for many individuals it causes digestive issues. People may react to the sugar (lactose) or the proteins (casein and whey). Individuals who are lactose intolerant don’t produce the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose. Casein is a protein with a similar molecular structure to gluten, and is a common food allergen. Here are some other reasons to avoid dairy:

  • It causes a large insulin spike which can contribute to fat gain.
  • It causes congestion and even sleep apnea in many people.
  • It can cause acne
  • It has growth-promoting properties, which can be trouble especially if you have potential cancer cells.
  • Most of our milk comes from mass-production farms that feed their cows growth-producing hormones and antibiotics.

By removing all forms of dairy from your diet for the duration of our challenge, you’ll allow your body to heal from any potential issues that dairy has been causing you. After the challenge, re-introduce it gradually and be on the lookout for any negative reactions.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Nikki k

    Moira, I love it!

  2. ICA admin

    KtS πŸ™‚ Rx
    Dan E> 5-1 Rx+ short rope
    Vollmer 3+7 Rx+ short rope
    Zach 5+7 Rx
    Nick L. 4 (20LS, 20GS@20#
    Keith 4+7 (20#)
    Bill 2+2 (15#)
    Danielle 3+6 Rx
    Faith 3+2 First Rx Ever!!
    Vicki πŸ™‚
    Mike D. πŸ™‚
    Murray πŸ™‚
    Jake 3 (26#)

    MOhyeed 3 Rx
    Iggy 3+11 Rx
    DE πŸ™‚ Rx+53
    Missy 2 Rx
    Jenn πŸ™‚ Rx
    Craig 3+4 Rx
    Ken 2 (2 pull RC)
    Drake 3+2 (26#)
    Betsy 3+1 (10#)

    Jen C. 5+1 Rx
    Tanya 3+9 Rx
    Becky πŸ™‚
    Megan 2+11 Rx
    Nicole πŸ™‚
    Heath 3+1 (10#, tu)
    Kerri 3+3 Rx
    Kelly G> 4 Rx
    Pugh 3+1 Rx+53
    Tom S. 3 Rx
    Allison :0
    Jim C. 3 (25#, 45s plank)

    Sean M. 3+6 (26#)
    Heather πŸ™‚
    Julie 5 (2RP/climb)
    Alex 3-plank (26#)
    EQ 4+6 Rx+25
    Paul 3+4 Rx
    Linda 5-plank (2.5#, 20s hang, 30s plank)

    Sarge πŸ™‚
    Amanda 4-50s (3RP/climb)
    MOrgan 3+3left TGU (10 tuck ups)
    Tim C. 3+6 (25#)
    Tina 2+12 (15#)
    Nikki K. 3+3 Rx
    Alex D> 5= plank (1RC, 10#)
    Daria 3 (su, 5#)
    Janet 4=plank (10’RC)
    Joe S> 3=7 (26)
    Jeff 3+4 (15#)
    Sillup πŸ™‚
    John C> 4+12 (26#)
    Sabol 4+2 Rx

  3. Boelker


    Sydney πŸ˜‰ (15)
    Elissa 4+5 Rx
    Sean 3+6 (26)
    Kyle K. 2+14 (26, 4 rope pulls)
    Steve K. 3 Rx

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