Daily WOD – Sep 19, 2014

Sumo Deadlift 6×3 (80%, slow eccentric)


30 weighted seated box jumps NFT

Food Notes:  The Paleo Potluck is tonight at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited, whether or not your’e doing the nutrition challenge. Bring a dish to share!


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Erin Burke

    Made curried butternut beef stew tonight. The flavors/seasoning can only improve with a day of resting in the fridge. I will try my very best to remember to bring recipe cards.
    Looking forward to trying different dishes.

  2. Dan Eichenwald

    Fellow crazy WODers!

    Come join Dave and I on Saturdayat barbell club for the Iron Triathalon:


    The workout is a doozy:

    Rounds of 1->20 reps of:
    1.5x bodyweight deadlifts
    1x bodyweight bench press
    0.75x bodyweight cleans

    The video is of Dan Bailey and Jason Khalipa doing it individually and it takes them each over 1.5 hours! Dave and I will be doing it as a partner WOD for as much of barbell club as we can. We’ll be showing up at 7:20 to run a bit and warm up and get started ASAP. Scale as appropriate of course. Who’s in?

    1. Dave

      Paging Mark…whatcha doin’ Saturday?

    2. Kehl

      Haha, I don’t want to show-up Bailey and Khalipa. I am out. Bought a bike for Rachael and picking it up Saturday morning. I’ve done this workout but it was 10 -> 1 and it sucked. I also did it as power cleans and not squats.

      Good luck!

    3. Dave

      You’re Kehl, not Mark. 😉

      Let me rephrase…

      Paging San Diego Mark…anyone?

    4. Kehl

      Boy is my face red…and a part of me just died a little inside.

      San Diego Mark, I hope you have fun. I will be crying, eating Bon-Bons, and listening to Air Supply all weekend.

  3. Jen N

    Im bringing chili!

  4. Rob

    Rep’in ICA on my last day 🙁 in Hawaii @ Crossfit Kawaihae 🙂

  5. ICA admin

    Ben M. 275
    Hoagie 315
    James B. 185
    Deron 225
    David 215
    Jenn 225
    John 435

    Katie L. 155
    Sara R. 200
    Sarah L. 135
    Patrick M. 265
    Julie 125
    Tom S. 245
    Tana 155
    Fenn 95

    Angie 155
    Nadine 125
    MB 113
    Tanner 330
    Fili 335

    Joanna 165
    Sarge 185
    Nik 215

    Zoo 335
    Tav 335
    Jen F. 115
    Alicia 135
    Kerri 185
    Paul 215
    Steve K. 215

    6pm Results
    Erin 165
    Kelly 185
    Nikki K 160
    Dave 300
    Rod 300
    Pete 165
    Alex 275

  6. Mark G

    Dave, lol just saw this… That workout looks like a good time! What time are you thinking? Shoot me a text 6199806740

    1. Dave

      Done. Clearly, you’re sleeping. Good. See you at 7:20!

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