Daily WOD – Oct 25, 2021

Rachel getting ready for a back squat!

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 10-8-6-4-2-1

Then Tabata:

  • One-arm DB/KB hang squat snatch (50/35#, alternate hands each round)

WOD Notes:  The descending rep scheme on the overhead squat should allow you to continuously increase weight across each set.  A reasonable bet would be to shoot for the following percentages of a 1 rep: 50-60-70-80-90-95.  For the accessory work, if one-arm hang squat snatches don’t feel good, switch to hang squat cleans instead!

Rowvember Notes:  Our annual Rowvember workouts will be kicking off on November 1st! These 10-30 minute, optional workouts will be posted to SugarWOD every three days. Workouts do not need to be completed on the day they are posted as long as your results are recorded in SugarWOD on the proper day before the end of the month. Workouts can be completed during Open Gym, out in the parking lot (if classes don’t need the rowers), or at home if you have a rower. A sweet rowing sticker will be awarded to each member that completes all 10 workouts!

Nutrition Notes:  Another diet popular among CrossFit athletes is the Renaissance Periodization (“RP”) diet. RP was developed by a powerlifter and bodybuilder to provide a nutrition program for his physique and fitness clients. The RP diet assigns you an eating template based on your weight, gender, and goals. Each template provides:

  • Daily eating plans based on when & how hard you’re working out that day
  • Progressive phases in which the diet is modified over time to account for your adapting metabolism
  • A recovery and maintenance plan for when your diet ends

At ICA, dozens of athletes have enjoyed and found success on the RP diet; others have found it to be overly prescriptive and difficult to follow. If you are interested in RP, Coach Dave is a wealth of knowledge, or you can check out the RP website HERE


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