Daily WOD – Oct 25, 2016

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3


3×8 hang muscle snatch (50% 1RM power snatch)

Meat Notes:  Anyone interested in ordering beef, pork or chicken through Rineer Family Farms has until tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:00 pm to fill out this SHEET. 


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sarge

    Breakfast Club Results

    Erik 110, 75
    Frank 110, 75
    Dan 155, 85
    Mark 165, 95
    Faith 45, 15/25
    Sara 60
    Jenn 70, 65
    Craig 105, 75
    Chris 115, 65

  2. Sarge


    Elissa 75
    Alexa 65
    Ray 135
    Steve 135
    Snowflake 100
    Rocco 115
    Sara 40 FS

  3. Nikki

    Pugh 145
    Duris 130
    Emma 55
    Erin 90
    Nadine 55 (2board bench)
    Moira 🙂

    Shawn 95
    Tom S. 120
    Christine 50
    Vanessa 55
    John 165

    Tav 185
    Chase 140
    Robbie 135
    Boeker 155
    Nikki K. 65×2
    Dani 65
    Tim 85
    Bob K. 110
    Jeff 65x a bunch

  4. Dave


    Fili 190 PR!, 115
    Dubs 110, 45
    Erin M. 55, 33
    Janet 85
    Curtis 105
    Sarge 😉
    Ray Z. 90, 65

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