Daily WOD – May 8, 2012

Complete an AMRAP in 3 minutes at each station, with a 1 minute break between stations:

  • Double unders
  • Toes to bar
  • Box jumps (24/20″)
  • Push ups

WOD Notes: Your score is the total number of reps completed at all 4 stations.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Sarg

    this looks awesome! See ya at 5:30!!

  2. Laurie

    Yay, this one looks fun! And I can do all those movements, too! Can’t wait. See ya at 5:30!

  3. Lindsey

    This is my favorite type of WOD!! Cant wait till 4:30!!!

  4. Christopher Chamberlain

    I can’t tell if we’re signed up or not. Natalie is in for 4:30, I’m in for 5:30

  5. Mike V.

    349 in the rain.

  6. Nikki

    Results from today:
    Lindsey 139 Rx
    Natalie 277 (SU, knee raises,16″, knees)
    Mark 332 (step ups)
    Kev 388 Rx
    Tiana 187 Rx
    Mike S 217 Rx
    Tanner 379 Rx
    Jimbo 322 Rx
    Nick 218 Rx
    Andi 217 Rx+ (24″ box) – thanks for visiting!
    Laurie 217 Rx (yeah Rx!)
    Karen 188 (DC on T2B)
    Keeley 197 Rx
    Frank 171 (DC on T2B)
    Chris 243 Rx
    Joe Miller 141 (DU attempts, knees)
    Morgan 137 (DU attempts, knees)
    Phil 263 Rx
    Miranda 246 Rx
    John W 381 (step ups)
    Nikki 323 (ring dips)

  7. Cragle

    Done on 5/9 @ OG:
    Barb 180
    Spotts 211
    Spencer 250
    Scott 285
    Cragle 295

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