Daily WOD – Mar 9, 2015

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 20 deadlifts (40% 1RM)
  • 20 push ups

Open Notes:  Please make sure to enter your open scores on the games site if you haven’t done so already!


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Dave

    I, for one, sure am fired up to do our first running WOD in so long. Really looking forward to tonight.

  2. Jimbo

    Perfect day to start a running Wod!!!!

    1. Jimbo

      12:29 at home. Looks like it’s time to start running again!!!

  3. Tav

    My back is still out!!!!

  4. Kehl

    Zach 14:31 (165)
    Patrick M. 12:15 (145)
    Dennis 16:46 (dcpu, 125 s)
    Jenn 13:47 (100)
    Kelly K. 14:37 (95, 10pu)
    Mohyeed 15:39 (145, RR)
    Justin 10:03 (125)

    Katie L. 14:12 (85, MF, row)
    Eric D. 15:28 (125)
    Erik 14:50 (95, MM)
    Jess V. 15:24 (75)
    Tana 10:42 (95, 7pu on dumbells)
    Moira 12:40 (45, 30″)
    Kerri 13:19 (105, MMx7)
    Danielle 14;39 (95)
    Paul 10:55 (125)
    Steve P. 12:30 (125, 15pu)
    MB 11:07 (95, 5pu)
    John 11:29 (225 unbroken)

    1. Kehl

      Allen 15:31 (115)

      Ron 16:45 (165)
      Chase 11:51 (165)
      Doug 14:13 (105)
      Jeff 12:49 (75, 4″)
      Dan E. 11:04 (105)
      Bob 13:17 (135)
      Joe W. 15:28 (165, DCPU)
      Caba 14:54 (135)
      Tina 13:29 (65, 10xMF)
      Jeannette 13:36 (75, 10MF)
      Chris 15:09 (75, 16″)
      Nikki K. 12:21 (85, 10×2″)
      Julie R. 13:04 (105, 10pu)
      Pugh 9:10 (135)

      Dave 10:18 (185)
      Peter 12:46 (100, 10pu)
      Jen T. 13:06 (85, 10pu)
      Kehl 8:44 (135)
      Erin 15:18 (95)
      Tom S. 12:38 (125)
      Joe S. 11:02 (90)

  5. ICA admin

    Brian 14:33 (155)
    Laurie 14:20 (75)
    Alex 16:22 (165)

  6. Paul

    Paul 10:55 (135)

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