Daily WOD – Mar 8, 2017

Complete for time:

  • 400m run
  • 25 handstand push ups
  • 400m run
  • 25 thrusters (95/65#)
  • 400m run
  • 25 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 400m run
  • 25 overhead squats (95/65#)

Open Notes:  Congrats to the top 5 teams for 17.2:

  1. Flex Appeal
  2. Abusement Park
  3. Mayhem Understudies
  4. Team 17
  5. 61 Stone of Stud

After 2 weeks, the overall rankings are:

  1. Flex Appeal (644)
  2. Mayhem Understudies (627)
  3. Abusement Park (607)
  4. Masters Revenge (588)
  5. 900 lbs of Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal (536) & Beast Modes Babes (536)

Full results are listed HERE.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dave


    Tav 18:53 (500m row, 50PU)
    Dan 16:44 (500m row)
    Joe B. 17:38 (50PU, 65, 35, BS)
    Jim B. 20:20 (40PU, 65, 35, BS)
    Kenny 16:42 (PU, 75, 44R, FS)
    Jeff 16:34 (PU, 55, 53, 105BS)
    Bob K. 21:27 (12HSPU, 53)
    Austin Take 2
    Luke 16:56 (pu, FS, 53R, BS)
    John 16:44 Rx
    Curtis 16:54 (PU, 65, 53, BS)
    Nikki K. 16:04 (PU, 45, 44, BS)
    Kelly K. 21:35 (HSPU 25# plate, 55)

  2. Kehl

    Dave 14:38 Rx
    Erin 17:57 (10hspu to 3″)
    Danielle 20:53 (20hspu to 3″, 55, 44kb)
    Fili 17:22 (pu, fs, rkbs, bs)
    Ash 17:ish (bpu, 35kb, 65fs, 75bs)
    Rayz 16:47 (pu, rx, rkbs, bs)
    Pete 21:26 (pu, 65, 53)
    Kerry 22:16 (pu, 45, 35rkb, 45)
    Andrea 21:30 (pu, 25, 26, 35)
    Derek yes (all of it)
    Allen 19:03 (pu, rx op, 53, rxbs)
    Ed 19:00 (pu, fs, rx, bs)
    Mel 21:ish (pu)
    J-Rod 16:44 (pu, 35, 25, 35)
    Robert 15:27 (pu, 15/10, 53, 95bs)

    John 18:05 (pu, 75, 53)
    Sara 18ish (barpu, 25fs, 20, 25bs: 2×400, 2×200)
    Stefanie 20:29 (15hspu, 35fs, 26, 35kbs)
    Rocco 15:35 (65, 53R)
    Erik 18:46 (pu, 65, 53, 135bs)
    Faith 18:36 (bpu, 35, 44)
    Karen 19:56 (bpu, 55, 44r)
    Laurie 16:24 (pu,45, 44, bs)
    Mark 19:17 Rx

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