Daily WOD – Mar 7, 2017

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 5 deadlifts (315/205#)
  • 2 rope climbs
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sarge

    Breakfast Club
    Mitchell 13:25 (155, 25SP, 44KBS)
    Luke 12:46 (185, 25SP)
    Jenn 🙂 Rx
    Ceil 12:42 (185, 20SP, 16″)
    James 23:03
    Ryan 10:06 Rx
    Chris 19:54 (215)
    Ken 15:58 (135, 20″)
    Brianna 19:29 (135, 20SP, 16″)
    Vinnie : ()

  2. Dave


    Caine 6:33 (165, 4″ deficit)
    Ash 14:40 (135)
    Allen 16:37 (215, 20″)
    Stuart 12:43 (s)
    Andrew 16:38 (275, 1/2 rope)
    Zabs 14:50 (275)
    Danielle 15:39 (175)
    Nik 8:58 Rx
    Janet 11:01 (135)
    KTS 10:30 (170)
    Fili 13:20 (absitups)
    John 8:28 Rx
    Ann 12:20 (95, 1/2 climbs, 14″)

  3. Sarge

    Stefanie 14:55 (45, step)
    Patrick M. 🙂 (225, LL)
    Mario 14:20 (255)
    JIm C> 19:00 (225, step – 1RC)
    Mark G> 14:20 Rx
    Duris 11:53 (sumo)
    Vanessa 14:33 (85, sumo, step, RR)
    Betsy 11:18 (105)
    Dave S> 14:14 (185, 16″, 5xpu)
    Sigal 18:14
    Pete P. 17:40 (155)
    Jon R> 16:45 (145, 10pu)
    Jess 13:51 (105)
    Paul 13:17 (185)
    Megan S. 18:02 (75, 10′ climb)

    Quinn 16:52 (205)
    Natlie 15:00 (85, step, RR)
    Pugh 12:09 (245)
    Austin 13:27 (275, vest)
    Pat B> 15:03 (275, 1RC)
    Heather 13:27 (135)
    Chase 14:33 (275, step)
    Brian W> 13:43 Rx LL
    Chris 12:45 (135, AMSU, step)
    Emma 15:45 (165)
    Robbie 14:47 (GHD 16:15 (205 RR< RC)
    Brooks 14:18 (RR, 175)
    Shawn 13:30 (185)
    Vicki 16:51 Rx

    Filchner 14:45 (225×8)
    BOelker 12:03 Rx
    TIna 11:43 (145, 1RC, 5RR)
    Erin 12:58 Rx
    Curtis 19:38 (255)
    EQ 12:05 Rx
    Dani 13:28 (185)
    Caine 6:47 (225)
    Nikki K. 11:00 (155)
    Jeff 17:14 (245)
    Derek 13:45 (185)
    Lombardi 13:32 (185 sumo)
    Kenny 14:33 (205, 5RC 14:39 (215)
    Steve P. 12:51 (275)
    Patrick S>. 🙂 (245

    JOe 17:00 (165, 20″)
    Murray 13:06 (pu, hex, step)
    Marissa 15:59 (7RC, 75, 12″
    Laurie 15:14 (165
    ROb G. 15:27 (225)
    Sean 18:09 (275)
    Nicole W. 14:55 (155)
    Craig 14:13 (pu, 255)
    Karen 15:49 (155)
    Jim 135, 10″)
    Elissa 12:27 (175, 24″
    Erik 17:22 (step, 245)
    Rocco 🙂 (185)

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