“Nasty Girls”
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 50 air squats
- 7 muscle ups
- 10 hang power cleans (135/95#)
“Nasty Girls V2”
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
- 50 pistols (alternating legs)
- 7 muscle ups
- 10 hang power cleans (175/115#)
WOD Notes: Nasty Girls is an old CrossFit benchmark WOD. The goal on this is speed with some people being able to complete it in sub 6 minutes. More realistically this should be in the 8 to 12 minute time domain with the squats and HPC being unbroken each round. V2 was introduced in the 2014 regi0nals to try to more decisively differentiate higher level athletes. Times were still in the 7 minute range. Hang on for everything you’ve got! Compare to 130422. Also, check out this video of the original 3 badass girls of CrossFit performing the WOD (pay attention to the strict MU):
This Post Has 10 Comments
I prefer these nasty girls.
Did I ever tell you guys about the time I tried out to be a backup dance for a Janet Jackson video in 1991? Ask me about it, it’s a great story
Welcome Sara
Welcome Sara
Welcome Sara! Can’t wait for our first class together!!
and what a class it was Kerri! Great to see you
Welcome Sara!
Dang these girls are impressive – I miss xf! Cannot wait to be back at it!
Julie R> 13:59 (10P/push)
Julie M. 10:35 (65, 7P/7push)
Patrick M. 🙂 (155 BS)
MOhyeed 14:32 (7/7)
Jenn 13:24 (pistols, 4JMU)
MC 13:42 (7/7)
Katie L. 9:26 (85, 7/7, 25 squats)
Dan E. 14:59 Rx
MB 9:29 (65, 7/7)
Rachael 13:21 (85, G)
Tana 10:28 (65, 7/7)
Plummer 13:45 (26#KBS, P+MM)
Erin 10:41 (7/7)
Eric D. 10:49 (P, 95)
Carl 14:30 (pistols)
Katie N. 14:10 (JMU) 1st muscle up!!!
Jess V. 11:00 (7//7, 30 pistols, 65#)
Kelly K. 11:29 (3pu, 10 push)
Eric P. 12:43 (G)
Kelly D. 11:14 (7/7 P, 60)
Sarah L. 7:14 (5/10, 65#)
Kerri 13:19 (P, 7/5)
John 12:17 Rx
Ron 12:35 (7/7)
Tom S. 10:20 (115, 4JMU)
KK 11:09 (75, 7/7)
Peggy 10:54 (65, 7/7)
Danielle 15:35 (30 pistols, 65)
Nadine 11:07 (7P+P/7@20″, 45)
Julia 11:01 (35, 7p+mf/7@20″)
Fenn 9:58 (55, P)
Maggie N. 9:40 (7/7)
Paul 12:44 (115, 3MUA)
Zoo 18:59 (RxV2)
Tim 13:13 (7/7, 65)
Joe W. 13:27 (2mu/rd)
Tav 11:56 (7/7, 175/155)
Chris 13:24 (7P/7@12″, 85)
Janna 9:40 (7/7, 55)
Tina 12:40 (7P/7MF, 75)
Ariel 11:01 (7G//7@24″, 45)
Robbie 16:15 (Rx-2MU)
PJ 13:55 (7/7, 95)
Alicia 🙂 (7G/7@20″, 35)
Doug 10;50 (jmu, 95#) 1st muscle up!!!
Duris 11:01 (7/7 115)
Nikki K. 12:42 (7P/7, 75)
Sarah W. 9:50 (7P/7, 85)
Chase 11:21 (JMU)
Dani 15:23 (7/7, 85)
Dave 7:15 (JMU)
Daria 10:41 (7RR/7@24″, 55)
Fili 13:01 (7/7)
Jen T. 10:53 (7/7, 65)
Peter 10:12 (7P/7, 85)
Nick A 10:09 (PU, 95)
Colleen 10:08 (JMU)
Breanna 10:25 (7/7, 75)
Patrick S. 8:35 (7/7)
Moira 9:12 (7RR/7@24″, 40#)
Laurie 10:09 (7/7)
Great intensity in the heat today. Hats off to Katie N. and Doug for hitting their fir muscle ups!
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